Thermo Fisher Scientific Gene Analysis Application 取扱説明書

  • このアプリケーションガイドを読み終えました。Applied Biosystemsの遺伝子解析システム、特に3130xl、3130、3730、310、3730xlモデルに関するご質問にお答えできます。シーケンス解析から微生物同定まで、多様な解析手法と応用例について詳しく説明されていますので、お気軽にご質問ください。
  • リシーケンス解析とは何ですか?
nonfermenters, Bacillus, Coryneforms, Mycobacteria,
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The ABI PRISM 3130 Genetic Analyzer includes patented technology licensed from Hitachi, Ltd. as part of a strategic partnership between Applied Biosystems and Hitachi, Ltd., as well as patented
technology of Applied Biosystems.
The PCR process and 5' nuclease process are covered by patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Purchase of the software product in this brochure alone dose not imply any license under any process, instrument or other apparatus, system, composition, reagent or kit rights under patent claims
owned or otherwise controlled by Applera Corpolation, expressly, or by estoppel.
ABI PRISM, Applied Biosystems, BigDye, GeneMapper, MicroSeq, SeqScape and SNaPshot are registered trademarks and AB (Design), Applera and KB are trademarks of Applera Corporation or its
subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries.
AmpliTaqGold is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
AFLP is a registered trademark of keygene N.V.
© 2005 Applied Biosystems Japan Ltd. All rights reserved.
Printed in Japan. DNE008-A0512CE