Suggested SettingsEQ Application
Identify the specific frequency range that "excites" the room:
1.Set a narrow Q value
2.Increase the gain to between +10 and +15 dB, and then experiment with
frequencies between 1 kHz and 6 kHz to pinpoint the range of flutter echoes
or sibilance
3.Reduce the gain at the identified frequency (start between -3 and -6 dB) to
minimize the unwanted room sound
Reduce flutter echoes and sibilance
Identify the specific frequency range that "excites" the room:
1.Set a narrow Q value
2.Increase the gain to between +10 and +15 dB, and then experiment with
frequencies between 300 Hz and 900 Hz to pinpoint the resonant frequency
3.Reduce the gain at the identified frequency (start between -3 and -6 dB) to
minimize the unwanted room sound
Reduce hollow, resonant room sound
Custom Presets
Use presets to quickly save and recall settings. Up to 10 presets can be stored on each device to match various seating arrangements. A preset saves all device
settings except for the , IP Settings, and Passwords. Importing and exporting presets into new installations saves time and improves workflow. When a preset
is selected, the name displays above the preset menu. If changes are made, an asterisk appears next to the name.
Note: Use the default settings preset to revert to the factory configuration (excludes , IP Settings, and Passwords).
Open the presets menu to reveal preset options:
save as preset:
Saves settings to the device
load preset:
Opens a configuration from the device
import from file:
Downloads a preset file from a computer onto the device. Files may be selected through the browser or dragged into the import window.
export to file:
Saves a preset file from the device onto a computer
Event Log
Event Log
The event log provides a detailed account of activity from the moment the device is powered on. The log collects up to 1,000 activity entries and time-stamps
them relative to the last power cycle. The entries are stored in the internal memory, and are not cleared when the device is power-cycled. The Export feature
creates a CSV (comma separated values) document to save and sort the log data.
Refer to the log file for details when troubleshooting or consulting with Shure Systems Support.
To view the event log:
1. Open the Help menu
2. Select View Event Log
Severity Level
An action or event has been successfully completed
An action cannot be complete, but overall functionality is stable
A problem has occurred that could inhibit functionality.
Log Details
Provides details on events and errors, including IP address and subnet mask.
Time Stamp
Power cycles:days:hours:minutes:seconds since most recent boot-up.
Event ID
Indicates event type for internal reference.
Tip: Use the filter to narrow down results. Select a category heading to sort the log.
Shure IncorporatedANI4IN