00731574 Rev. G
This device is not made with natural rubber latex.
Intended Use:
The disposable AdvanCE® capsule endoscope delivery device is a 2.5 mm single sheathed device indicated for
transendoscopic delivery of Capsule (with the dimensions of 10.5mm - 11.5mm in diameter and 23.5mm - 26.5mm in length)
to the stomach or duodenum. This device is intended for patients who are either unable to swallow the capsule, or unable to
pass the capsule beyond the pylorus in sufficient time to complete the desired diagnostic evaluation.
Description Product Number Sheath
Diameter Sheath Length Acceptable Capsule Sizes
Advance® Capsule Endoscope
Delivery Device HZ-711144 2.5mm 180cm Diameter: 10.5mm - 11.5mm
Length: 23.5mm - 26.5mm
Capsule Cup - Outer Diameter (OD) 0.50 inches/12.7mm
Capsule Cup – Inner Diameter (ID) 0.46 inches/11.7mm
Warnings and Precautions:
Endoscopic procedures should only be performed by persons having adequate training and familiarity with endoscopic
Consult the medical literature relative to complications, hazards and techniques prior to the performance of any endoscopic
For use of the video capsule, consult the Information for Use document from the video capsule manufacturer.
Transendoscopic capsule placement requires skill and experience in endoscopic esophageal intubation with an accessory
device seated at the distal tip of the endoscope. The use of this device is not recommended if the clinician lacks the
required experience and proficiency.
This device is compatible with an endoscope that has an accessory channel of 2.8mm or greater.
Do not attempt to reuse, reprocess, refurbish, remanufacture, or resterilize this device. STERIS Endoscopy did not design this
device nor is it intended to be reused, reprocessed, refurbished, remanufactured, or resterilized. Performing such activities on
this disposable medical device presents a safety risk to patients (i.e. compromised device integrity, cross-contamination,
Those specific to any GI condition that may hinder or prevent the endoscopic placement of the capsule.
The Given PillCam® SmartPill Motility capsule is not compatible with the AdvanCE® Capsule Endoscope Delivery Device
Prior to Use Instructions:
1. Perform baseline EGD.
2. Assess if the patient is a candidate for capsule deployment (see contraindications).
3. Decompress the stomach upon completion of the baseline EGD (this can minimize gastric looping on the repeat EGD for
capsule delivery).
4. Prior to clinical use, you should familiarize yourself with the AdvanCE® capsule endoscope delivery device.
5. Read this “Instructions for Use” and review the attached photographs.
6. Open and inspect the device for shipping or handling damage. If damage is evident (e.g. bends, kinks, cracks, misshaped
cup), do not use this device and contact your local STERIS Endoscopy product specialist.
Instructions for Use:
1. Open the larger poly bag, remove the paper tape restraint from the coiled device, and gently uncoil the catheter assembly.
2. Remove the small capsule cup bag by sliding it over the end of the catheter.
3. Hold the proximal end in one hand and the distal sheath in the opposite hand, and drape in a “U” shape.
4. Open and close the finger rings on the handle two (2) times to make sure it moves smoothly. (Moving the finger rings away from
the thumb ring is open, moving the finger rings towards the thumb ring is closed).
a. Observe that the deployment cable moves in and out.
Note: The finger rings do not advance the full length of the handle shaft.
5. If this unit does not function properly, do not use this product and please contact your local product specialist.
6. Place the scope in a straight position prior to inserting the AdvanCE® capsule endoscope delivery device catheter.
7. Hold the finger rings on the AdvanCE® device handle in a closed position (see Fig. 1) to ensure that the deployment cable is
maintained within the catheter.
8. Pass the catheter through the endoscope’s accessory channel (See Fig. 2) using short strokes (1”-1.5” length is recommended to
avoid sheath kinking).
9. Observe that the catheter assembly exits the distal end of the endoscope.
10. Remove capsule cup from the small bag.