: www.tefal.com
This product is repairable by TEFAL/T-FAL*, during and after the guarantee period.
Accessories, consumables and end-user replaceable parts can be purchased, if locally available, as described on the
TEFAL/T-FAL internet site www.tefal.com
The Guarantee**
TEFAL/T-FAL guarantees this product against any manufacturing defect in materials or workmanship during the guarantee period
within those countries*** as stated in the attached country list, starting from the initial date of purchase or delivery date. The
international manufacturer’s guarantee covers all costs related to restoring the proven defective product so that it conforms to its
original specifications, through the repair or replacement of any defective part and the necessary labour. At TEFAL/T-FAL’s choice, an
equivalent or superior replacement product may be provided instead of repairing a defective product. TEFAL/T-FAL’s sole obligation
and your exclusive resolution under this guarantee are limited to such repair or replacement.
Conditions & Exclusions
TEFAL/T-FAL shall not be obliged to repair or replace any product which is not accompanied by a valid proof of purchase. The
product can be taken directly in person or must be adequately packaged and returned, by recorded delivery (or equivalent method
of postage), to a TEFAL/T-FAL authorised service centre. Full address details for each country’s authorised service centres are listed
on TEFAL/T-FAL website (www.tefal.com) or by calling the appropriate consumer Service centre set out in the attached country
list. In order to offer the best possible after-sales service and constantly improve customer satisfaction, TEFAL/T-FAL may send a
satisfaction survey to all customers who have had their product repaired or exchanged in a TEFAL/T-FAL authorised service centre.
This guarantee applies only for products purchased and used for domestic purposes and will not cover any damage which occurs as a
result of misuse, negligence, failure to follow TEFAL/T-FAL instructions, or a modification or unauthorised repair of the product, faulty
packaging by the owner or mishandling by any carrier. It also does not cover normal wear and tear, maintenance or replacement of
consumable parts, or the following:
–using the wrong type of water or consumable
–mechanical damages, overloading
–ingress of water, dust or insects into the product (excluding appliances with features specifically designed for insects)
–damage as a result of lightning or power surges
–scaling (any de-scaling must be carried out according to the instructions for use)
–accidents including fire, flood, etc
–damage to any glass or porcelain ware in the product
–professional or commercial use
–damages or poor results specifically due to wrong voltage or frequency as stamped on the product ID or specification
Consumer Statutory Rights
This international TEFAL/T-FAL guarantee does not affect the Statutory Rights a consumer may have or those rights that cannot be
excluded or limited, nor rights against the retailer from which the consumer purchased the product. This guarantee gives a consumer
specific legal rights, and the consumer may also have other legal rights which vary from State to State or Country to Country. The
consumer may assert any such rights at his sole discretion.
***Where a product purchased in a listed country and then used in another listed country, the international TEFAL/T-FAL guarantee
duration is the period for the country of usage, even if the product was purchased in a listed country with a longer guarantee
duration. The repair process may require a longer time if the product is not locally sold by TEFAL/T-FAL in the country of usage. If
the product is not repairable in the new country of usage, the international TEFAL/T-FAL guarantee is limited to a replacement by a
similar or alternative product at similar cost, where possible.
*TEFAL household appliances appear under the T-FAL brand in some territories like America and Japan. TEFAL/T-FAL are registered
trademarks of Groupe SEB.
Please keep this document for your reference should you wish to make a claim under the guarantee.
**For Australia only:
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement
or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have
the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
**For India only: Your Tefal product is guaranteed for 2 years. The guarantee covers exclusively the repair of a defective product,
but at TEFAL’s choice, a replacement product may be provided instead of repairing a defective product. It is mandatory that the
consumer, to have his product repaired, has to log a service request on the dedicated Smartphone application TEFAL SERVICE APP
or by calling TEFAL Consumer Care Center at 1860-200-1232, Opening hours Mon-Sat 09 AM to 06 PM. Products returned by
Post will not be covered by the guarantee. As a proof of purchase consumer needs to provide both this stamped guarantee card
and cash memo.
• 本裝置僅作家居用途。本裝置不適宜作以下用途,且以下用途將不在保
- 店舖、辦公室及其他工作環境的員工廚房區域;
- 農舍;
- 供酒店、汽車旅館及其他住宿環境的客人使用;
- 民宿(住宿加早餐)類型環境。
• 本裝置不適宜配合外置的計時開關(即外置計時器或獨立的遙控系統)
• 為免發生危險,如果電源線受損,必須交由生產商、服務代理或具有相
• 肢體、感官或心智能力較弱,或者經驗或知識不足的人士(包括兒
• 兒童應有人從旁監督,以確保他們不會將本裝置當作玩具。
• 本裝置可供 8 歲及以上兒童、身體官能或心智能力退化人士,或缺乏經
示,且已瞭解其潛在危險。兒童不可把玩本裝置。兒童年滿 8 歲方可
在監督下清潔及維護本裝置。本裝置及電線應遠離 8 歲以下兒童。
• 清潔可拆出零件時,請使用非磨蝕性的海綿配洗潔精,或放入洗碗機清
• 請用濕海綿或布清潔裝置的內外。請參考使用說明內「清潔」一節。
• 本裝置最高可在海拔 2000 米使用。
• 請閱讀並遵循本使用說明書,並妥善保存。
• 使用前,請移除裝置上所有包裝物料及宣傳標籤或貼紙,並請記得移除
• 請檢查正在使用的電源電壓是否與裝置所標示的電源電壓相符(本裝置
• 由於全球有多種不同制式,如要在購入地點以外國家使用本裝置,請先
• 將裝置放在平坦、穩固、耐熱的表面,並避開水濺。
• 將裝置放在離牆壁至少 20 厘米遠的地方。
• 使用裝置後、移動或清潔裝置時,務必要拔除電源。
• 如發生火警,應拔除裝置的電源,並用濕布滅火。
• 為免損壞裝置,請緊記遵循 www.tefal.co.uk 或 www.tefal.com.au 上