and type "M92 E424.9" in the text, press Enter to
continue typing "M500". Save the file as the gcode
format, and copy it into TF card. Insert the TF card
into the printer and click to print this file. At this
time, the printer’s Esteps value has been adjusted
to 424.9.
1. 安装完成后,需对打印平台重新进行调平。
2. 可通过调节Sprite Extruder 侧面调节螺丝,调节挤
1.After installation, the printing platform needs to
be leveled again.
2.The side adjusting screw on the Sprite Extruder
Pro can adjust the clamping degree between the
extrusion gear and the filament, forward adjust is
tightening and reverse is loosening.
3.The withdrawal distance must be less than 3mm.
M92 E424.9