2. 将该套件内的安装件与隔离柱依次穿入 M5 螺丝中,
再将原有 V 轮与螺母装入并拧紧。 Insert the mounting
part and isolation columns in the kit into the M5
screws in sequence, then install the original V-wheel
and nuts, and tighten them.
3. 将铁氟龙管用力插进喷头内,铁氟龙管需裁剪到合适
长度(我们建议是 85.3mm,如果您有变动过喉管或喷嘴,
Insert the Teflon tube into the hotend with force,
and the Teflon tube needs to be cut to an
appropriate length (85.3mm is recommended, if
there is any change in the heatbreak or hotend, it
can be adjusted according to the actual situation).
Make sure the cuts are even on both ends of the
Teflon tube.