Balsawood Scale Airplane
● 这个产品不是玩具,而是一个复杂的具有难度的飞行器。您和您身边人的安全取决于您如何操作它,您需要了解相关知识,并谨慎操作。禁止
● This product should not be considered a toy, but rather a complicated and sophisticated flying model. Your safety depends
on how you use and fly it, If not correctly operated, could cause injury to you or your family members. Children must be
accompanied by an adult at all times if operating this product. Not suitable for children under the age of 14. THIS IS NOT A
● 不要在机场,军事基地,居民区或其他任何受限制的地方飞行。
● Do not fly around some restricted location like airports, military bases, residential areas, etc.
● 您需要对发射机进行距离检查,以确保没有收到任何干扰。
● You will need to range check the transmitter to be sure you are not experiencing any interference.
● 始终保持先打开发射机后打开接收机,先关闭接收机后关闭发射机的步骤。
● Always turn on the receiver last after turning on the transmitter and shut off the receiver first before turning off the transmitter.
● 如果您是初学者,建议您在有经验玩家的协助下调试和飞行。
● If you are only a beginner to the radio control model flying, do not attempt to fly your model without any assistance or advice from
advanced expert fliers.
● 请将相关物品放置在孩子们够不到的地方
● Keep relevant items out of reach of children.
● 这个设备的设计已经超过我们正常使用所需要刚性要求,但若您需要以超出我们推荐的动力飞行时,请合理控制动作幅度并适当增加机体强度。
● This product has been flight tested to meet or exceed our rigid performance and reliability standards in normal use,if you plan to perform
any high-stress flying, you are solely responsible for taking any and all necessary steps to control movement range and reinforce the body
● 您的设备中可能包括一些玻纤和碳纤雕刻的部件,这些纤维部件所带的粉尘可能会引起眼睛,皮肤的不适,请您在需要的时候带上护目镜或者防尘服。
● This product may include some fiberglass and carbon-fiber reinforced plastic parts,which may cause eye and skin discomfort,pls wear the
goggles or dust-proof clothes when needed.
● 因航空运输安全管制,您收到的产品可能没有清单中出现过的胶水,请您理解无法发送胶水给您的原因。您可以在当地文具店很方便的购买到您所需要
● Due to air traffic safety control, the products you receive may not have the glue that appears in the list. Please understand and purchase the
glue you need at your local stationery store.
● 安装舵机前,请先将舵机通电让舵机中心点回中,以便能更好的调试舵面。
● Check/adjust servo centering, in order to adjust the control surface better.
● 初次启动电机,您需要确认电机旋转的方向以适配您的机型。
● Double-check the spinning direction of motor at first usage, and sure it’s suitable for your model.
● 请将重心(CG)调整至说明书所述位置并尽量靠近。如果有需要,您可以增加机头或者机尾的重量,以确保机体有更好的飞行姿态。
● Set the center of gravity (CG) at the position that manual already marked out. If necessary, add weight to the nose or tail
to ensure the best flight performance.
● 检查机身内部,确保所有设备正常连接;检查机身表面,包括但是不限于蒙皮,固定螺丝,舱盖,座舱罩等位置。
● Double-check the inside of the fuselage, make sure all the equipments are correctly connected; Check the heat-shrink
covering material’s surface, Make certain all screws, bolts, cabin and canopy remain secure.
● 在飞行前,请检查您电池情况,若有低电压,电池损坏等情况,请您停止操作并马上更换电池。
● Take great care when connecting/disconnecting the battery, pls replace the battery immediately once found low voltage
or damage to battery.
● 机身内部设备连接的方式,会和您的收发设备有关,在一些功能更多的收发设备上,您可以通过设置简化机身内部设备的连接。详细
● The way the internal devices of the fuselage are connected will be related to your transmitter-receiver device. For those
transmitter-receiver devices with more functions, you can simplify the connection of the internal devices of the fuselage.
Check your device for details to see if it meets the features you need.
● 动力设备和收发设备第一次配对时,可能需要设置油门最大行程,请您自行设置。
● When the power system and transmitter-receiver device are paired for the first time, you may need to set the maximum
stroke of the throttle. Please set it yourself.
Tools Needed
起飞重量: ≈3.8kg
Fuselage Length:1.30M(51")
Flying Weight:≈3.8kg
Suggested Equipment
Motor : EP:MC3520 880KV
GP:2C 17cc or 50-55 Class
Prop : 14*7inch
Battery:4S 5000mAh+
Servo : 37g EP:6pcs GP:7pcs
马达:EP:MC3520 880KV
GP:2C 17cc or 50-55 Class
电池:4S 5000mAh+
舵机:37g EP:6pcs GP:7pcs