• Vikings on a space with a
Viking ag with gold coins
take the number of coins
depicted (1 - 4 coins) from
the hoard. If there are
not enough coins left, the
player just takes what is
there. If there are none at
all, they go empty-handed.
• Vikings on a space with a
Viking ag showing their
own Viking image, are
allowed to steal one gold
coin from each of the
other players. If any of the
other players do not have
coins in their ship, the
Viking cannot steal from
• Vikings on a space with
a Viking ag showing
the Viking image of
another player are
allowed to steal a coin
from this Viking. If this
player has no coins in
their ship, the Viking
unfortunately misses
How to Play
Play goes in a clockwise direction. The player who most closely resembles a Viking starts.
Take the ball and the bat.
In the corner of the village
closest to you, place the
bowling ball in the hole at
the top of the ramp. Use the
bat to propel the ball in the
direction of the barrels to try
and knock them over. You are
allowed to keep trying until
you have knocked over at least
one of the four barrels.
For each colored barrel that has been knocked over, move the matching Viking token one
space further along the dock, always to the right. Skip over any spaces that are occupied.
If you knock over more than one barrel, you decide the order in which the tokens are moved.
Scoring & Gaining Coins
When a token needs to move and there are no empty spaces
remaining to the right on the dock, they are moved off the dock,
into the water! The current player's turn ends immediately – any
remaining Viking token movements are lost.
Now the Vikings whose tokens are still on the dock are rewarded
with coins. Players place the gold coins they have won into their
ships. Coins are only given to Vikings still on the dock, starting with
the Viking who is furthest on the right and working back to the start.
If there are fewer than 4 players, the Viking tokens not claimed at the
start of the game still get moved just like the others, and their ships still gain coins as well.