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CR# Attrib. Content Explanation
#18 X R Present °C temp.
measured at CH1
Present Celsius temperature measured at CH1 ~
Unit: 0.1°C
#19 X R Present °C temp.
measured at CH2
#20 X R Present °C temp.
measured at CH3
#21 X R Present °C temp.
measured at CH4
#24 X R Present °F temp.
measured at CH1
Present Fahrenheit temperature measured at CH1 ~
Unit: 0.1°F
#25 X R Present °F temp.
measured at CH2
#26 X R Present °F temp.
measured at CH3
#27 X R Present °F temp.
measured at CH4
#30 X R Error status Register for storing all error statuses. See the table of
error status for more information.
#31 O R/W Communication
The RS-485 communication addresses.
Range: 01 to 254, Default = K1.
#32 O R/W Communication format
6 communication speeds: 4,800 bps /9,600 bps
/19,200 bps / 38,400 bps /57,600 bps /115,200 bps.
Data formats include:
ASCII: 7, E, 1/ 7,O,1 / 8,E,1 / 8,O,1 / 8,N,1 / 7,E,2 /
7,O,2 / 7,N,2 / 8,E,2 / 8,O,2 / 8,N,2
RTU: 8, E, 1 / 8,O,1 / 8,N,1 / 8,E,2 / 8,O,2 / 8,N,2
Default: ASCII,9600,7,E,1(CR#32=H‘0002)
Please refer to✽CR#32 at the bottom of the page for
more details.
#33 O R/W Returning to default
Take the setting of CH1 for example:
b0: Reserved, b1: Reserved
When b2 is set to 1, all settings will return to default
Definitions of ERR LED:
(Default of b12 to b15 = 1111)
1. When b12 = 1 and CH1 wired to empty external
contact, ERR LED will flash.
2. When b13 = 1 and CH2 wired to empty external
contact, ERR LED will flash.
3. When b14 = 1 and CH3 wired to empty external
contact, ERR LED will flash.
4. When b15 = 1 and CH2 wired to empty external
contact, ERR LED will flash.
#34 O R Firmware version Displaying the current firmware version in hex; e.g.
version 1.0A is indicated as H’010A
#35 ~ #48 For system use
Symbols: O: Latched, X: Non-latched
R: Able to read data by using FROM instruction or RS-485 communication.
W: Able to write data by using TO instruction or RS-485 communication.
✽Reset Module (Firmware V4.06 or above): Having connected the external power 24V,
write the reset code H’4352 for CR#0, then disconnect and reboot to complete the
✽CR#32 Communication Format Setting:
- Firmware V4.04 (and lower): Data format (b11~b8) is not available, ASCII format is 7,
E, 1 (code H’00xx), RTU format is 8, E, 1 (code H’C0xx/H’80xx).
- Firmware V4.05 (and higher): Refer to the following table for setup. For new