Reef Mature

Red Sea Reef Mature 取扱説明書

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User Manual
사용자 설명서
Reef Mature Starter Kit
Red Sea’s Reef Mature Starter Kit
Red Sea’s Reef Mature Starter is a complete step by step program that prepares a new marine
aquarium for the long term success of an articial reef.
Typically the preparation process that is often called ‘cycling’ establishes a thriving colony
of aerobic nitrifying bacteria that convert the toxic waste products to nitrate. This program
however completes the biological maturation process by also establishing thriving colonies
of anoxic (de-nitrifying and phosphate harboring (PHB)) bacteria. Furthermore the program
provides the necessary conditions that will promote the growth of coralline algae and other
micro fauna found in live rock and within a sand bed.
The complete reef maturation program, which requires a period of 21 days, will result in a fully
matured system that will be biologically ready for stocking all animals including delicate SPS
This manual provides detailed daily instructions for implementing the program. A detailed
explanation of the biological processes in the maturation process and tips for implementing the
Reef Mature program can be found on Red Sea’s website.
This kit includes all supplements you need to mature the system. Do not add any other
supplements or livestock (dead or alive) until advised to do so as part of the program.
The Reef Mature program requires the use of accurate test kits for measuring pH, KH,
Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. All of these tests with the appropriate level of accuracy can
be found in Red Sea’s Marine Care Test kit.
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
Nitro Bac – a concentrated blend of nitrifying and de-nitrifying bacteria spores to seed the
live rocks, substrate and the bio-media in a new tank.
Bacto-Start – a balanced blend of nitrogen and phosphorus components that simulate the
natural waste products of an active aquarium, enabling a controlled development of the
aerobic and anoxic bacteria.
NO3:PO4-X - a unique complex of carbons and other organic bonded elements that are
used by anoxic bacteria for the accurate control of algae nutrient (nitrate and phosphate)
KH-Coralline Groa concentrated marine buffer complex, fortied with the specic minor
and trace elements that promote the growth of coralline algae and other benecial micro
Note: Coralline algae and micro fauna will only develop if they are introduced to the
system such as on live rocks.
Test Kits | 3
Directions for use
General Instructions
The water levels in marine aquariums drop on a daily basis due to evaporation. The water
evaporates but the salts remain and therefore the salinity of the water in the tank will increase.
Compensate for the evaporation on a daily basis by topping up the system with RO water.
1. Before carrying out any water testing always check the salinity and make adjustments
as necessary. If you have made adjustments to the water wait 10 minutes for the water
parameters to stabilize.
2. Test only with high resolution test kits such as Red Sea’s Marine Care Test Kit.
3. The dosing instructions of the Reef Mature supplements are based on treating
100 liters/25 gallons of water. Estimate your total volume of water (aquarium
& sump less volume of live rocks etc) to calculate the correct dosage for your
4. Supplements should be added to the sump. If you do not have a sump, add the
supplements slowly to an area with high water ow to prevent direct contact with
5. Record all parameter readings and quantities of supplement added.
6. Add each of the 4 supplements as instructed and according to the advised dosages.
Higher or lower dosages can have detrimental effects.
NO3:PO4-X must be added consistently on a daily basis to prevent starvation and destruction
of the nitrate and phosphate reducing bacteria. If you miss one or more days of using
NO3:PO4-X do not add the amount that you have missed and resume the dosing at the
current daily dose.
If you miss one or more days of using KH-Coralline Gro buffer add the complete amount
that you have missed. If you already have corals in the system do not raise the alkalinity by
more than 0.5 meq/l (1.4 dKH) per day.
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
Day 1: System Set Up
Before implementing the Reef Mature program ensure the following conditions.
1. Prepare your salt water to a salinity of 33-35 ppt (1.023-1.025 at 25 °C). Maintain the
water temperature at a steady 26-28 °C and ensure water circulation of at least 10 times
the tank’s volume per hour.
2. Add cured live rocks and clean substrate. We recommend a depth of 5-7.5cm / 2-3” of an
Aragonite-based coral sand substrate. Place the live rock in the tank by building a stable
structure that provides the rock with good water circulation. If you do not have live rock
or sand bed, alternative porous lter media must be made available for the aerobic and
anoxic bacteria.
3. Filtration must include a Protein Skimmer with a turnover of at least 3 x system volume
per hour and a water:air ratio of at least 3:1.
4. Do not use a de-nitrication system or any nitrate or phosphate removing materials.
5. Set the lighting period for 10 hours per day.
6. Run the system for 24 hours.
Day 2:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Test and record the pH and KH/Alkalinity. If the KH is less than 8.4 dKH (3 meq/l) add
KH-Coralline Gro buffer, calculate dosage as shown on the label.
3. Add 20 ml of Nitro Bac per 100L (25gal) of water.
4. Add 10 ml of Bacto-Start per 100L (25gal) of water.
5. Add 3 ml of Red Sea’s NO3:PO4-X per 100L (25gal) of water.
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Day 3:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Test and record the pH and KH/Alkalinity. DO NOT add KH-Coralline Gro
3. Test and record the Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate levels. Approximate readings should be
as follows: Total Ammonia 1 ppm, Nitrite 0.1 ppm, Nitrate 36 ppm.
4. Add 10 ml of Nitro Bac per 100L (25gal) of net water volume.
5. Add 3 ml of Red Sea’s NO3:PO4-X per 100L (25gal) of water.
Days 4-5:
Add 3 ml of Red Sea’s NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water per day.
At this point different types of green lamentous algae, cyanobacteria and diatoms will
start to bloom. This is a natural part of the process and should disappear or be under
control by the end of the maturation program.
Day 6:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Test and record the pH and KH/Alkalinity. Calculate the KH-Coralline Gro buffer required
to achieve 8.4 dKH (3 meq/l) according to the dosage chart on the bottle. Note: this
dosage represents the KH uptake of the aquarium over the previous 4 days. Add the “4
day dosage” to the system. Divide this “4 day dosage” by 4 and use as the daily dosage
for the next week.
3. Add 3 ml of Red Sea’s NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
Day 7:
1. Water change – replace 5% of the system water with new saltwater.
2. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
3. Test and record the Ammonia & Nitrite levels. Approximate readings should
be as follows: Total Ammonia <0.25 ppm, Nitrite <0.05 ppm.
4. Add 10 ml of Bacto-Start per 100L of water.
5. Add 5 ml of Nitro Bac per 100L of water.
6. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
7. Add calculated daily dosage of KH-Coralline Gro.
Days 8-9:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
3. Add calculated daily dosage of KH-Coralline Gro.
Day 10:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Test and record the Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate levels. Approximate readings
should be as follows: Total Ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm.
3. Add 5 ml of Bacto-Start per 100L of water.
4. Add 5 ml of Nitro Bac per 100L of water.
5. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
6. Add calculated daily dosage of KH-Coralline Gro.
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Introduce the “cleaning crew” to the aquarium.
Recommended species: Brittle star starsh, detritus feeding sea cucumbers and
several herbivorous snails, such as Asraea Tuncta or Turban snail. These ‘reef
janitors’ play an important long-term role in keeping your aquarium in good shape.
They help control algae, remove detritus, and scavenge for scraps of food that fall
to the bottom or between rocks. They play an especially important role if your tank
has substrate, keeping it clean and aerated.
Days 11-13:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
3. Add calculated daily dosage of KH-Coralline Gro.
Day 14:
1. Water change – replace 5% of the system water with new saltwater.
2. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
3. Test and record the Nitrate. Approximate readings should be 5 ppm.
4. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
5. Test and record the pH and KH/Alkalinity.
Calculate the adjusting dosage of KH-Coralline Gro buffer required to achieve
8.4 dKH (3 meq/l) according to the dosage chart on the bottle and add this
dosage to the system. If the adjusting dosage is signicantly different from
the previous average daily dosage amend (increase/decrease) the daily
dosage as appropriate.
Introduce herbivorous sh (1 per 100 L) to the aquarium.
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
Days 15-20:
1. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
2. Add 3 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
3. Add amended daily dosage of KH-Coralline Gro.
Day 21:
1. Water change – replace 5% of the system water with new saltwater.
2. Check and adjust temperature and salinity.
3. Test and record the Nitrate. Approximate readings should be 2 ppm.
4. Add 2 ml of NO3:PO4-X per 100L of water.
5. Test and record the pH and KH/Alkalinity. Calculate the adjusting dosage of
KH-Coralline Gro buffer required to achieve 8.4 dKH (3 meq/l) according to
the dosage chart on the bottle and add this dosage to the system.
Day 22+
Gradually introduce more sh and corals to the system.
Test the pH, KH/Alkalinity and Nitrate on a weekly basis.
IMPORTANT - Continue dosing NO3:PO4-X on a daily basis and adjust the dosage
(according to the dosage chart on the bottle) until the nitrate level is stable
between 1 and 2.5 ppm.
The actual Nitrate level after the rst 21 days is dependent on the growth rate of
denitrifying bacteria in each system. It may take a few weeks for the Nitrate levels to
lower to the desired level.
Test Kits | 9
Marine sh system:
Continue dosing the KH-Coralline Gro buffer as required to maintain 8.4 dKH (3 meq/l)
according to the dosage chart on the bottle.
In the event that the Nitrate level drops below 1ppm cut the daily dose of NO3:PO4-X by 50%,
test Nitrate 2 times per week and adjust the dosage accordingly until it stabilizes between 1
and 2.5 ppm.
Mixed, SPS Dominant or ULNS Reefs:
Before introducing LPS or SPS corals adjust all water parameters as recommended in Red Sea’s
Reef Care Program and start the appropriate testing and supplementing regime.
Start using Red Sea’s Foundation KH/Alkalinity (Buffer) supplement instead of the KH-
Coralline Gro.
If you are planning on SPS or ULNS systems see the full instructions provided with Red Sea’s
NO3:PO4-X and use Red Sea’s Algae Control Pro multi test kits to accurately monitor Nitrate and
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
典型的前期准备过程通常是为建立“循环” ,是通过建立一个优质的有氧硝化环
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硝化菌(Nitro Bac)- 高浓缩硝化和反硝化细菌混合物.在新水族箱里的底
细菌培养基 (Bacto-Start)-一种由氮和磷组成的均衡混合物.模仿大自然废
碳酸盐-钙藻促生长剂(KH-Coralline Gro)-一种浓缩型的海水缓冲液混合物,
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
1. 进行任何水测试之前必须要检查和调整盐度.如果您已经对水作出调整,需
2. 测试只可以用高精度的测试套装比如红海海水缸护理 测试套装。
3. 珊瑚礁岩成长添加剂的定量说明是基于处理100升/25加仑水体.估计您的总
水体(水族箱 &滤缸)去计算您的系统所需定量。
4. 添加剂应该加进过滤缸.如果您没有配备过滤缸,请把添加剂慢慢的放进水
5. 记录所有参数和已添加的补充剂用量。
6. 请按说明及根据建议的用量添加这4款添加剂.用量过多或过少都会产生副
不断减少和破坏 .如果您错过一天或者多天没有使用硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂,那
量。如果您已有珊瑚在系统里请控制每天提高的碱度不要超过0.5 meq/l (1.4
Test Kits | 13
1. 将海水盐度调至33-35 ppt (1.023-1.025 at 25 °C),水温维持稳定在
26-28 °C。并确保水体循环次数达到最少每小时10次.
2. 加入已处理加入复苏的活石和清洁底砂.我们建议在珊瑚沙厚度在2-4mm基
3. 过滤系统必须配备一个蛋白分离器能够在每小时循环量为3倍系统水体,并
4. 不要使用硝酸盐反应器或任何去除硝酸盐或磷酸盐材料。
5. 设置亮灯时间为每天10小时
6. 24小时运行系统
1. 检测和调整水温和盐度
2. 测试和记录酸碱度和碳酸盐硬度/碱性.如果碳酸盐硬度低于8.4 dKH(3
3. 每100L(25加仑)的水体滴入20ml硝化菌。
4. 每100L(25加仑)的水体滴入10ml 细菌培养基。
5. 每100L(25加仑)的水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂.
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
1. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
2. 测试和记录PH值和KH值/碱度,切莫滴入KH-钙藻促生长剂。
3. 测试和记录氨,亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐数值.大约数值应如下: 总氨 1 ppm,
硝酸盐 0.1 ppm, 硝酸盐 36 ppm。
4. 每100L(25加仑)的水滴入10ml硝化菌。
5. 每100L(25加仑)的水滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂.
1. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
2. 测试和记录酸碱度和KH/碱度.根据容器的用量图表上要求达到的8.4 dKH(3
3. 每100L的水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂.
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1. 换水-用新盐水换掉系统中5%的水。
2. 检测和调节水温和盐度。
3. 检测和记录氨&亚硝酸盐数值.大约数值应该如下:总氨<0.25ppm,亚
硝酸盐<0.05ppm 。
4. 每100L水体滴入10ml培养基。
5. 每100L的水体滴入5ml硝化菌。
6. 每100L的水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
7. 滴入日常定量的KH-钙藻促生长剂
1. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
2. 每100L的水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
3. 滴入日常定量的KH-钙藻促生长剂。
1. 检测和调整水温和盐度
2. 检测和记录氨,亚硝酸盐&硝酸盐数值.大约数值应该如下:
总氨0ppm,亚硝酸盐0ppm ,硝酸盐10ppm
3. 每100L水体滴入5ml细菌培养基。
4. 每100L的水体滴入5ml硝化菌。
5. 每100L的水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
6. 滴入日常定量的碳酸盐-珊瑚营养补充剂。
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
推荐种类:蛇尾类海星,食用碎屑的海参和少数食草螺,例如条纹种螺 .这些”珊
7. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
8. 每100L水体滴入3ml 的硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
9. 滴入每天固定用量的KH-钙藻促生长剂。
1. 换水-用新盐水更换系统5%的水。
2. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
3. 测试和记录硝酸盐数值.大约数值应该是5ppm。
4. 每100L水体滴入3ml硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
5. 测试和记录PH,KH/碱度。
根据瓶子用量图表要达到8.4 dKH(3 meq/l)计算和调整所需要的KH-钙藻促生
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1. 检测和调整水温和盐度
2. 每100L水体滴入3ml的硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂
3. 滴入调整后的KH-钙藻促生长剂用量。
1. 换水-用新盐水更换掉系统5%的水。
2. 检测和调整水温和盐度。
3. 检测和记录硝酸盐数值。大约数值应该在2ppm。
4. 每100水滴入2ml的硝酸盐和磷酸盐去除剂。
5. 测试和记录PH和KH/碱度。根据瓶子上的图表要达到8.4 dKH(3 meq/l)
Red Sea | Reef Mature Starter Kit
继续根据瓶子的用量图表要求保持8.4 dKH(3 meq/l)的标准配置所需要的KH-
引进LPS 和SPS珊瑚之前,调整参数至红海珊瑚护理程序所推荐的所有水参数并
开始使用基础元素TM KH/碱度(缓冲液)替代KH-钙藻促生长剂。