The recommended temperature for use of this phantom is 4 degrees above or below 22 degrees Celcius
according to the NEMA and AAPM standards. For the phantom to be at the same temperature as the scan
room, place the phantom in the room for 24 hours before scanning.
MRI signal materials are sensitive to temperature change. For every 1 degree Celcius of increase, T1 will
increase by approximately 1% and T2 will decrease by approximately 1%.
Additionally, the phantom is composed of plastic material and is prone to damage from excessive force or
reactive solvent.
The MRI is one of the most advanced medical imaging diagnosis method. However, standard uses and
materials for precise product management and maintenance have not yet been dened.
The MRI contrast liquid included in this product has been developed with a focus in safety and has been
featured in the Report of AAPM*. The primary ingredient is nickel dichloride (NiCl ).
The table on page 15 displays the values of T1 and T2 of the magnetic resonance of the nickel dichloride.
Figure 1 on page 16 is a graph of the data on page 15.
Kyoto Kagaku's phantom includes contrast solution of 5 dierent levels of concentration to compare with
the 10mM solution as a standardization product.
*Quality assurance methods and phantoms for magnetic resonance imaging
Report of AAPM nuclear magnetic resonance Task Group No.1