1. 请勿将本产品放置在易燃易爆物品、挥发性溶剂或高热源附近,请将本产品放置在通风、阴凉、少尘的环境内。
2. 请勿在安装过程中使用其他产品电源线代替,请使用本产品附带的电源线。
3. 定期在断电的情况下,用干布清洁机身及激光模组。
4. 激光工作环境温度在 0°C-35°C,避免在潮湿环境下使用本产品,切勿在雷雨天气下使用本产品。
5. 如长时间不使用本产品,请关闭本产品,并断开电源线。
6. 本产品已连接电源时,请勿用手或其他工具触碰电子相关区域。
7. 本产品运行时,请勿触碰正在运动的机械机构及激光模组。
8. 雕刻前在工作平面上放置激光无法穿透的平面物体如铝合金或不锈钢板,然后再放置加工材料。
9. 激光雕刻过程中,请务必佩戴护目镜,避免直视激光光斑带来的视力损伤。
10. 激光雕刻过程中可能会产生少许烟雾或气味,建议在通风良好的环境下操作。
11. 年龄在 10 岁以下的儿童,请勿在没有成人监督的情况下使用本产品,以免造成人身伤害。
12. 准备好灭火器备用,定期维护和检查灭火器;严禁机器运行时无人看管;
Security Statement
For the purpose of engraving or cutting with a laser engraving machine, allow the workpiece to be
exposed to the high-density laser beam emitted by the laser engraving machine. The workpiece may be
subject to gasification without combustion as it is pretty hot on the surface. On the other hand, most
workpieces are essentially combustible, which may be ignited, leading to an open flames and consequently to
the machine breakdown and environmental contamination.
1. It is prohibited to store the machine in areas close to combustible and explosive substances, volatile
solvents or source of heat. Instead, store it in a well-ventilated, cool and dust-free place;
2. Make sure that only the specific attached power cord rather than other similar power cords are used
during installation;
3. Clean the tripod and laser module with a dry cloth regularly when the power is off.
4. Ensure to run the laser at 0°C-35°CIt is prohibited to run the machine under wet environment or in
thunderstorm weather;
5. Switch off the machine if it is offline for an extended period of time, and unplug the power cord;
6. It is prohibited to come in contact with electronic areas with hands or other tools when the machine is
connected to power supply;
7. Touching any moving parts and laser module while the machine is running is prohibited;
8. Before engraving, place a flat object that cannot be penetrated by the laser, such as an aluminum alloy
or stainless steel plate on the workbench, and then place processing material.
9. Wear goggles to prevent vision damage arising from exposure to the laser spot during laser engraving
10. It is advisable to run the machine under well ventilated condition as laser engraving may generate small
amount of fume or gas;
11. Children under 10 years old are not allowed to run the machine without adult presence, which otherwise
may lead to personal injury;
12. Put in place fire extinguishers in case of use, which shall be regularly checked. It is prohibited to keep
the machine unattended while it is running
13. Users should comply with the laws and regulations of the corresponding countries and regions where
the equipment is located (used), abide by professional ethics, pay attention to safety obligations, and strictly
prohibit the use of our products or equipment for any illegal purposes. Creality will not be responsible for any
violators' legal liability under any circustance.
13. 使用者应遵守设备所在地(使用地)相应国家、地区法律法规,恪守职业道德,注意安全义务,严禁将我司的产品或设备使用