Tektronix TG700 Installation Instructions Manual

  • このチャットアシスタントは、Tektronix TG700 TV信号発生器プラットフォームのモジュール設置手順書の内容を理解しています。TG700メインフレームへのモジュール取り付け、ファームウェアアップデート、メモリ要件などについてご質問ください。
  • ファームウェアのアップグレードは必須ですか?
TG700 TV Signal Generator Platform
Module Installation
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries
or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
Standard Accessories.......................................................................................... 1
Firmware Upgrade.................................................................................................. 2
Equipment R
equired........................................................................................... 2
Mainframe Memory Requirements .......................................................................... 3
Upgrade Procedures ........................................................................................... 4
Firmware Version Check...................................................................................... 9
Installation Instructions ........................................................................................... 10
Preventing Component Damage ............................................................................ 10
ing a Module ........................................................................................... 11
Entering the Option Key (SDI7 Option 3G only) ......................................................... 13
Removing a Module.......................................................................................... 15
はじめに.................................................................................................. 17
スタンダード・アクセサリ ............................................................................ 17
ファームウェアのアップグレード ........................................................................ 18
.......................................................................................... 18
メインフレームのメモリ要件......................................................................... 19
メモリ増設方法 ...................................................................................... 20
ファームウェア・バージョンの確認 ................................................................. 25
取り付け方法 ............................................................................................ 26
コンポーネントの損傷を避けるには ............................................................... 26
ュールの取り付け .............................................................................. 27
オプション・キーの入力(SDI7 型モジュール、オプション 3G 型のみ).......................... 30
モジュールの取り外し .............................................................................. 32
TG700 Module Installation i
Table of Contents
ii TG700 Module Installation
These instructions provide the installation procedure for the generator and special
function modules for the TG700 mainframe. These instructions also provide the
rmware upgrade procedure for the TG700 mainframe.
These instructions are composed of the following sections:
Firmware Upgrade describes how to upgrade the rmware of the TG700
Installation Instructions describes how to install and remove modules from
the TG700 mainframe.
Entering the Option Key (SDI7 OPtion 3G only) describes how to enter the
option key that is required to enable Option 3G on the SDI7 module.
For detailed information about module features and specications, refer to the
TG700 TV Signal Generator Platform User Manual and the TG700 TV Signal
Generator Platform Specications and Performance Verication Technical
Reference included on the TG700 CD-ROM.
Standard Accessories
The following accessories are shipped with each module:
TG700 TV Signal Generator Platform Module Installation Instructions,
Tektronix part number: 075-0986-XX
TG700 Signal Generator Platform Software Library CD-ROM, Tektronix
part number: 020-2721-XX
TG700 Module Installation 1
Firmware Upgrade
Firmware Upgrade
This section describes how to upgrade the rmware of the TG700 mainframe.
You do not need to upgrade the instrument rmware if the rmware version
ontheCD-ROMprovidedwiththiskitisthesameasthermware version
already installed on your TG700 mainframe. In this case, proceed to Installation
ns. (Seepage10.)
CAUTION. If the rmware version of the CD-ROM provided w ith this kit is later
than the rmware version installed on your TG700 mainframe, be sure to upgrade
the rmware of the mainframe before installing the module.
Equipment Required
The following equipment is required to upgrade the rmware:
PC with Windows 2000/Vista/XP/7 and Ethernet interface installed
10 BASE-T Ethernet c able (crossover or straight)
TG700 Signal Generator Platform Software Library CD-ROM provided with
the new module
2 TG700 Module Installation
Firmware Upgrade
Mainframe Mem
ory Requirements
With software version 5.6, the TG700 mainframe must have at least 3 2 MB of
memory installed. If you intend to install frame picture les (*.pic), created by the
Frame Pictur
e Generator application for the DVG7, H DV G7, AVG7, or AWVG7
modules, or if you intend to install bitmap frame picture les (*.bmp) for the SDI7
module, then the mainframe must have 64 MB of memory installed.
Software Upgrades
If your exi
sting mainframe has 32 MB of memory and you have loaded the TG700
memory with frame picture les, you may not be able to upgrade the instrument to
software version 5.6.
If you receive a memory error while attempting to upgrade the software version,
you need to either delete some of the frame picture les o r upgrade your
instrument to 64 MB of memory.
Memory Upgrades
Option FP provided extra memory, which allowed the TG700 mainframe to
support the Frame Picture Generator application. This option is no longer
necessary for new TG700 mainframes.
If you have an older mainframe with less than 64 MB of memory, you can increase
the memory in your mainframe to 64 MB by ordering the following upgrade kit:
040-1698-xx. Contact your local Tektronix representative for more information.
TG700 Module Installation 3
Firmware Upgrade
Upgrade Procedures
NOTE. Refer to Mainframe Memory Requirements before you perform the
upgrade proce
dure s. (See page 3.)
Perform the following procedure to upgrade the rmware. It is not necessary to
uninstall t
he earlier version.
1. If you are connecting the TG700 directly to a PC:
a. Using a crossover Ethernet cable, connect between the 10 BASE-T port
on the TG700 and the Ethernet port or NIC on the PC.
b. Power on the TG700 and the PC.
c. Identify the PC’s IP address and subnet mask.
NOTE. You can nd the PC’s IP address and subnet mask by bringing up the
“Command Prompt”, using the “Startup” menu under “Accessories” and
“ipcong” at the prompt.
d. Set the IP address of the TG700 such that all the digits are the same except
for th
e last digit, which should be changed by 1.
e. Set the subnet mask o f the TG700 to the same subnet as the PC.
f. Proceedtostep4.
4 TG700 Module Installation
Firmware Upgrade
2. If you are conne
cting the TG700 to your local Ethernet network using a
static IP address:
CAUTION. Using an IP address that is already in use can cause network conicts,
resulting in system instability and/or the system locking up. Ensure that the IP
address is not already in use before connecting to the network. Contact the
network administrator for assistance.
a. Power on the TG700.
b. Set the IP address of the TG700 as specied by the network administrator.
c. Set the subnet mask of the TG700 as specied by the network
d. Using a straight Ethernet cable, connect between the 10 BASE-T port
on the TG700 and the Ethernet hub port of your local network. By
connecting to an Ethernet network, you can access the TG700 using any
PC on the network.
e. PoweronaPCconnectedtothenetworkandproceedtostep4.
3. If you are connecting the TG700 to your local Ethernet network using a
DHCP server (dynamically allocated IP addresses):
a. Power on the TG700.
b. Set the NET SETUP:DHCP setting to Enable on the TG700.
c. Power off the TG700.
d. Usi
ng a straight Ethernet cable, connect the 10 BASE-T port on the
TG700 to the Ethernet hub port of your local network. By connecting to
an Ethernet network, you can access the TG700 using any PC on the
e. Power on the TG700 and a PC connected to the network.
f. Identify the IP address assigned to the TG700 by the DHCP server.
g. Proceed to step 4.
TG700 Module Installation 5
Firmware Upgrade
4. Insert the TG70
0 Signal Generator Platform SW Library and Documentation
CDROM provided with the new module into the CD drive on your PC.
5. When the Produ
ct Software and Documentation Browser window appears,
select the Mainframe and Module Software link.
6. Select one o
f the following upgrade options:
SelectUpgrade to V5.X if your mainframe has 32 MB or more of memory.
Select Upgrade to V4.1 if your mainframe has 16 MB of m emory.
The PC will open a Windows Explorer window displaying the contents of
the selected upgrade folder.
NOTE. With software version 5.6 and later, it is strongly recommended that
the TG70
0 mainframe have 64 MB of memory if you intend to install logo
and/or frame picture les into a DVG7, HDVG7, or SDI7 module. (See page 3,
6 TG700 Module Installation
Firmware Upgrade
7. Double-click t
he tgUpgrade.exe icon in the folder. The TG700 Upgrade
dialog box appears as shown in the following gure.
1: TG700 Upgrade dialog box
NOTE. In the following cases, an error message appears when you double-click
the tgUpgrade.exe icon. If this happens, copy all of the les in the Upgrade folder
to the hard disk, and then repeat the operation.
When you upgrade the TG700 with rmware version 1.3 or earlier and use the
ATG7, AVG7, or AWVG7 module in it.
When you upgrade the TG700 with rmware version 2.1 or earlier and use the
AVG7 or AWVG7 module in it.
TG700 Module Installation 7
Firmware Upgrade
8. In the dialog bo
x, enter the IP address that you assigned to your TG700.
9. If you want to download the signals for the specied module(s), use the check
boxes at the bo
ttom of the dialog box. Normally, you do not need to select
any check boxes. Select the appropriate check box(es) in the following cases:
ATG7 check b
ox: when you upgrade the TG700 mainframe with rmware
version 1.3 or earlier and use the ATG7 module in the mainframe.
AVG7 check b
ox: when you upgrade the TG700 m ainframe with rmware
version 2.1 or earlier and use the AVG7 module in the mainframe.
AWVG7 chec
k box: when you upgrade the TG700 mainframe with
rmware version 2.1 or earlier and use the AWVG7 module in the
10. Click the Copy button. The PC will start transferring the les in the Upgrade
folder to the TG700.
CAUTION. Do not power off the TG700 until the le transfer is complete. Doing
so will prevent the instrument from starting u p normally.
11. When the le transfer is complete, the message box shown below appears.
Figure 2: Message box appearing after the le transfer is complete
12. Click the OK button in the message box.
13. Disconnect the power cable from the power cord connector on the TG700 rear
panel, and then connect it again to restart the ins t rument.
8 TG700 Module Installation
Firmware Upgrade
14. If your TG700 in
cludes an HDLG7 module, proceed with the follow i ng steps
to complete the upgrade:
CAUTION. While upgrading, do n ot press the front panel buttons or cycle the
instrument power. Doing so can corrupt the module memory and FPGA image.
a. Power on the TG700.
b. Press theMODULE button until the name of the module you are
upgrading appears.
c. Press and hold the ENTER button until “Upgrade FPGA” appears .
d. Press the
ENTER button to upgrade the module.
e. The upgrade will take approximately three minutes. After it is complete,
remove p
ower from the TG700 and then reapply power to reboot the
NOTE. If you are upgrading the FPGA o f multiple modules, you need to upgrade
them separately and reboot the instrument after each upgrade. For example, if
you have three HDLG7s, the FPGA upgrade process sequence will be: select and
upgrade a module, then reboot, then select and upgrade another module, then
ot, select and upgrade the nal module, then reboot. You do not need to
upgrade the modules in any particular order.
Firmware Version Check
Perform the following procedure to verify that the new rmware version was
properly installed:
1. Press the front-panel MODULE button to display the TG700 main menu.
2. Use the up ()ordown() arrow button to select UTILITY, and then press
the ENTER button.
3. Use the up () or down () arrow button to select VERS ION INFO (F/W).
4. Use the left ()orright() arrow button to select CPU[0].
5. Check that the new rmware version number is displayed in the m enu.
Refer to the Release Notes included on the CD-ROM for information about the
new rmware version.
TG700 Module Installation 9
Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions
This section p rovides p rocedures for installing and removing modules from the
TG700 mainframe. A screwdriver with a #1 Phillips tip is the only tool you need
to install or
remove a module.
CAUTION. To prevent damage to the m ainframe and module, always remove the
power cord before installing or removing a module.
If the software version of the provided CD-ROM is later than the rmware version
of your TG700 mainframe, be sure to upgrade the rmware of the mainframe
before installing the module. (See page 2, Firmware Upgrade.)
Preventing Component Damage
CAUTION. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage components on this module
and mainframe. To prevent ESD or other component damage, follow the steps
below w
hen installing, removing, or handling modules:
Wear a grounded antistatic wrist strap to discharge the static voltage from
your b
ody while installing or removing modules from the TG700 mainframe.
Transport and store modules in a static-protected bag or container.
Do not slide the module over any surface.
Handle modules as little as possible.
Do not touch m odule components or connector pins.
Do not use any devices capable of generating or holding a static charge in the
work area where you remove, install, or handle modules.
Avoid handling modules in areas that have a oor or work-surface covering
capable of generating a static charge.
10 TG700 Module Installation
Installation Instructions
Installing a Module
To install a module into an empty slot in the mainframe, perform the following
1. Unplug the power cord from the power connector on the rear panel of the
2. Use the following guidelines to select the slot where you will install the
module. The following gure shows a sample module conguration with
the associated slot numbers.
For AGL7 and GPS7 modules, only one of these modules can be installed
in the TG700 mainframe at a time, and it must be installed only in slot 1.
All other modules may be installed in any slot location.
. When installing a GPS7 module into an existing mainframe, you
must perform the TG700 mainframe oven calibration procedures. Refer to
the Congure the GPS7 Module section in the TG700 TV Signal Generator
Platform User Manual for instructions.
For AG7, ATG7, AVG7, BG7, D VG7, HDLG7, and SDI7 modules, up to
four of the modules can be installed in the TG700 mainframe.
The HD3G7, AWVG7, and HDVG7 modules consume higher power
than most of the TG700 modules. Because of this, there can only be
a maximum of three of these modules installed at one time. If an
HDVG7 module that has a rear-panel fan is installed, then only one other
h-power module may be installed with it.
When the maximum number of these high-power modules are installed
e lower-power modules (AG7, ATG7, AVG7, BG7, DVG7, HDLG7, or
SDI7) may be installed in any of the remaining available slots.
Figure 3 : TG700 slot numbering
3. Use a screwdriver with a #1 Phillips tip to loosen the two screws of the blank
panel attached to the slot you want to use, and then pull it a way from the
instrument. Save the blank panel for future use. (See Figure 4.)
If you are installing a new module into a slot that already contains a module,
remove the existing module. (See page 15, Removing a Module.)
TG700 Module Installation 11
Installation Instructions
Figure 4: R
emoving the blank panel
CAUTION. Be careful not to damage the parts and cables inside of the module
when you insert the module into the mainframe.
4. Insert the module into the slot, paying attention to the module orientation.
(See Figure 5.) Push the module into the slot until the c onnector board of the
module is rmly engaged with the Main board of the mainframe.
Figure 5: Installing the module
12 TG700 Module Installation
Installation Instructions
5. Tighten the two
screws to secure the module to the mainframe. (See Figure 6.)
Figure 6: Securing the module
g the Option Key (SDI7 Option 3G only)
If you ordered Option 3G with the SDI7 module, you must enter the option key
that was supplied with the module in order to enable the 3G software option.
Each option key applies to only one SDI7 module. You will need to enter the
option k ey only once. After the option key is entered, the option key stays with
that S
DI7 module, enabling Option 3G even when the module is moved to another
TG700 platform that is running software version 5.6 or above.
te the option key document, and then p erform the following steps to enter
the option key:
1. Pre
ss the front-panel MODULE button until the mainframe main menu is
displayed as shown below.
2. Press the up ()ordown() arrow button until TG700 : UTILITY is
isplayed, and then press the ENTER button.
TG700 Module Installation 13
Installation Instructions
3. Press the up ()
or down () arrow button until TG700 : UTILITY :
OPTIONS ENABLED is displayed. The bottom line o f the display will
list the slot number in which the SDI7 module is installed and will indicate
whether option 3G is enabled: None is displayed when the option is not
enabled, 3G is displayed when the option is enabled.
4. If more than one SDI7 module is installed in the mainframe, use the left
()orright() arrow button to select the desired module, and then press
the ENTER button.
5. Press the up ()ordown() arrow button until TG700 : UTILITY :
MODULE ID is displayed.
6. Verify that the displayed module ID matches the module ID listed on the
option key document.
7. Enter the option key:
a. Press the up ()ordown() arrow button u ntil TG700 : UTILITY :
OPTION KEY is displayed. When Option 3G is not enabled, the option
key string is blank as shown below.
b. Pre
ss the ENTER button to enter the option key edit mode. The
underscore character (_) appears under the rst character of the option k ey.
c. Us
e the up () or down ()arrowbuttontoselecttherst character of
the option key.
se the left ()orright() arrow button to move the underscore
character to the next character in the option key.
e. Enter a ll of the option key characters, and then press ENTER button to
conrm the selection.
f. Press the CANCEL button twice to exit the UTILITY submenu. This
returns to the top o f the UTILITY submenu.
14 TG700 Module Installation
Installation Instructions
8. Verify that Opt
ion 3G is enabled:
a. Press theENTER button to enter the UTILITY submenu.
b. Press the up ()ordown() arrow button until TG700 : UTILITY :
OPTIONS ENABLED is displayed.
c. Verify that SDI7[ slot number ]3Gis displayed. This indicates that
Option 3G has been enabled.
d. Press the CANCEL button to exit the UTILITY submenu. This returns to
the mainframe main menu.
Removing a Module
To remove a module from the mainframe, perform the following procedure:
CAUTION. To facilitate module removal, attach terminations or BNC cables to the
module connectors. The connector may be damaged if too much force is applied
to it during module removal.
1. Unplug the power cord from the power connector on the mainframe rear panel.
2. Attach 75 terminations or BNC cables to the BNC connectors on the
module to be removed. Module removal becomes easier if the terminations or
cables are attached to the connectors at the left and right ends.
3. Use a screwdriver with a #1 Phillips tip to loosen the two screws securing
the module to the mainframe.
UTION. Be careful not to damage the parts and cables inside of the module
when you remove the module from the mainframe.
TG700 Module Installation 15
Installation Instructions
4. Pull the module
slowly toward you while supporting the terminations or BNC
cables attached to the connectors. (See Figure 7.)
Figure 7: Removing the module
5. If this empty slot will not be used, you must attach a blank panel to the
mainframe to control instrument cooling and EMI emissions.
a. Align the blank panel with the open slot of the mainframe.
b. Tighten the two screws to secure the blank panel to the mainframe.
A blank panel is available as an optional accessory for the
TG700 mainframe. Refer to the TG700 TV Signal Generator Platform
User Manual.
6. If you want to install another module into the slot from which the module is
removed, perform Installing a Module. (Seepage11.)
16 TG700 Module Installation