Regulatory Notices
Operating Ambient Temperatures
•Operating temperature: + 32to 104°F (0 to40°C)
•Relativehumidity: 5%to 90%, noncondensing
• Storagetemperature: -22to +160°F (-30to +70°C)
Our product warranty is limited only to the unit itself, when used normally
in accordance with the operating instructions and the system envir-
onment. We are not liable for damage or loss resul ting from the use of
this product, or for any cl aim from a third party. We are not liable for prob-
lems with Yealink device arising from the use of this product; we are not
liable for financial damages, lost profits, claims from third parties, etc.,
arising from the use of this product.
Explanation of thesymbols
DC symbol
is theDCvoltagesymbol.
WEEE Warning symbol
Toavoidthepotential effects ontheenvironment and humanhealth as aresult of the
presenceof hazardous substances inelectricalandelectronic equipment, end usersof elec-
tricaland electronic equipment shouldunderstandthemeaningof thecrossed-out wheeledbin
symbol. Donot disposeof WEEE as unsortedmunicipalwasteandhaveto collect such
WEEE separately.
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)
This devicecomplies withtherequirements of theEU RoHSDirective. Statements of com-
pliance can beobtained by contacting
Safety Instructions
Savetheseinstructions. Readthesesafety instructions beforeuse!
General Requirements
*Beforeyouinstall andusethedevice, readthesafety instructionscarefully and observethe
*Duringtheprocess of storage, transportation, andoperation, please always keepthedevice
dry and clean,avoidcollision andcrash.
*Pleaseattempt not to dismantlethedeviceby yourself. In case of any discrepancy, please
contact theappointedmaintenance center for repair.
*Pleaserefer totherelevant laws and statutes whileusingthedevice. Legal rights of others
shouldberespectedas well.
Environmental Requirements
*Place thedeviceat a well-ventilatedplace. Donot exposethedeviceunder direct sunlight.
*Keepthedevicedry andfreeof dusts.
*Donot placethedeviceonor near any inflammableorfire-vulnerableobject, suchas rubber-
*Keepthedeviceaway from any heat source orbarefire, suchas a candleor anelectric
Operating Requi rements
*Donot let a childoperatethedevicewithout guidance.
*Donot let a childplay with thedeviceor any accessoryincaseof accidentalswallowing.
*Pleaseusetheaccessories provided or authorized by themanufacturer only.
*Thepower supply of thedeviceshallmeet therequirements of theinput voltage of thedevice.
Please use theprovidedsurge protectionpower socket only.
*Beforepluggingor unpluggingany cable, makesurethat your hands arecompletely dry.
*Donot spillliquidof any kind ontheproduct or usetheequipment near water, for example,
near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, wet basement or near aswimming pool.
*Duringathunderstorm, stopusingthedeviceand disconnect it from thepower supply.
Unplugthepower plugand theAsymmetric DigitalSubscriber Line (ADSL) twistedpair (the
radio frequencycable)to avoidlightningstrike.
*If thedeviceis left unused for a rather longtime, disconnect it from thepower supply and
unplug thepower plug.
*When there is smokeemittedfrom thedevice, or someabnormal noiseor smell, dis-
connect thedevicefrom thepower supply, and unplugthepower plugimmediately.
*Contact thespecified maintenancecenter for repair.
*Donot insert any object into equipment slots that is not part of theproduct or auxiliary
*Beforeconnectinga cable, connect thegrounding cable of thedevicefirst. Donot dis-
connect thegroundingcableuntilyoudisconnect all other cables.
Cleaning Requirements
*Beforecleaningthedevice, disconnect it from thepower supply.
*Usea pieceof soft, dry and anti-static clothto cleanthedevice.
*Keepthepower plugclean anddry.
Theunit cannot supply power toYealinkdevice.
Thereis a badconnection with theplug.
1. Clean theplugwitha dry cloth.
2. Connect it to another walloutlet.
Theusageenvironment is out of operating temperaturerange.
1. Useintheoperatingtemperaturerange.
Thecablebetweentheunit and theYealink deviceisconnectedincorrectly.
1. Connect thecablecorrectly.
Youcannot connect thecableproperly.
1. Youmay haveconnecteda wrongYealink device.
2. Usethecorrect power supply.
Somedust, etc., may beintheport.
1. Clean theport.
Contact your dealer or authorized service facility for any further questions.
FCC Statement
This devicecomplies withpart 15of theFCCRules. Operation issubject to thefol-
twoconditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device
must accept any interferencereceived, including interferencethat may cause
AnyChanges or modifications not expressly approvedbytheparty responsiblefor
compliancecouldvoidtheuser's authority to operatetheequipment.
IC Statement
This devicecomplies withIndustry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is sub-
ject to thefollowingtwoconditions:
(1) this devicemay not cause interference; and
(2) this devicemust accept any interference, includinginterferencethat may cause
undesiredoperation of thedevice. CANICES-3(B)
Leprésent appareil est conformeaux CNR d’IndustrieCanada applicables aux appar-
eils radioexempts delicence. L’exploitation est autoriséeauxdeuxconditions
suivantes :
(1) l’appareilnedoit pasproduiredebrouillage;
(2) l’utilisateur del’appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le
brouillageest susceptibled’encompromettre lefonctionnement.NMB-3(B)
Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies withFCCand ICradiationexposurelimits set forth foran
uncontrolled environment. This equipment shouldbeinstalled and operatedwithmin-
imumdistance 20cm betweentheradiatorandyour body.
Cet émetteur nedoit pas être Co-placéounefonctionnant enmêmetemps qu'aucune
autreantenne ou émetteur. Cet équipement devrait être installéet actionné avec une
distance minimum de20centimètresentreleradiateur et votre corps.
Contact Information
309, 3rdFloor, No.16, YunDingNorth Road, HuliDistrict, XiamenCity, Fujian, P.R.
Strawinskylaan 3127, Atrium Building, 8th floor, 1077ZX Amsterdam, TheNeth-
999PeachtreeStreet Suite 2300, Fulton, Atlanta, GA, 30309, USA
Technical Support
Visit Yealink WIKI ( for thelatest firmware, guides, FAQ,
Product documents, and more. For better service, wesincerely recommend youtouse
YealinkTicketing system ( submit all your technicalissues.
TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.Allrights reserved