Every engine has been adjusted to average mixture settings which will most likely allow the engine to
start and run in most locations. However, as altitudes and barometric pressures vary by location, it is very
likely that the carburetor mixture settings will need to be adjusted to obtain optimum performance.
2、功能及调整(Functions and Adjustments)
(1)风门,冷启动时使用(Choke Lever)
(3)怠速调节螺丝(Idle Speed Adjustment Screw)
(4)低速油针(Low Speed Mixture Adjustment Screw)
(5)高速油针(High Speed Mixture Adjustment Screw)
ADJUSTMENT: A general starting point is 1.25 turns out for the low speed needle (See No. 4), and 1
turns out for the high speed needle (See No. 5).
Adjust the High needle to peak rpm. If ever the engine slows or dies while at full throttle, the high speed
mixture is likely too lean.
Adjust the Low needle until you achieve a smooth idle and a reliable transition to high throttle. If the
engine dies when the throttle is advanced, the mixture is likely too lean. If the engine stumbles when the
throttle is advanced, the mixture is likely too rich.
门燃烧后火花塞的颜色应该是黄色,说明混合气浓度比较合适. 混合气调整过浓时,特别是高
Caution: Don't be tempted to run an overly rich mixture. A too rich mixture will only result in
poor engine performance (engine easily off in a quick accelerating and decelerating process),
pre-mature carbon buildup, a fouled plug and excessive exhaust residue. However, a lean mixture
will also damage the cylinder and piston badly. After few times full throttle test and check the
spark plug, it appears to be yellow if mixture had been set properly.
3、发动机的启动 (Start-up the engine)
Step 1: Close the Choke and turn on the ignition, advance throttle to full position.