关会反馈至主控板,形成进水报警(E2 代码);在排水泵排水时,如果水未正常排至低水位,则反馈至主
控板,形成排水报警(E3 代码)。
Pressure switch will be formed a section of air column between pressure switch pipe and the
sump. When water level rises in the sump, air in the pipe will be pressed, and thus water level
could be sensed by pressure switch; When too much water intakes (high water level) or too little
water intake (no inlet water or low water level) in the sump, pressure switch will send a signal to
Main PCBA, and then inlet water errors occurs accordingly(Error Code E2). During draining water,
if water does not drain to the default water level, pressure switch will also send a signal to Main
PCBA, and then inlet water errors occurs accordingly (Error Code E3).
2.1.8 呼吸器(带流量计)
Air Breaker (With Flow Meter)
可循环软化水质,如果流量计检测到异常或损坏,会形成进水报警(E2 代码)。其原理示意图如下
Air breaker has functions of intaking water, storing of regenerated water, exhaling humid air
during drying, isolating water flow noise during washing and controlling water inlet volume.
During water intaking, water flows through the flow meter, driving the rotor with the rotation
turns counted by a circuit connected to the rotor, until the number of rotations turns reaches the
set value, and then signal is sent to the controller to stop intake water. Meanwhile, part of the
water is stored as regenerated water. When the softener connected to the air breaker received a
signal of regeneration function forming a connected circle, the regenerated water stored in the
air breaker flows into the resin cavity via the salt cavity of the softener for reducing softener resin,
so that the regenerating resin can recycle the softened water quality. If the flow meter is detected
as damaged or abnormality occurred, water inlet alarm is formed (Error Code E2). See the Figure: