1. Overview
1.1 Introduction 介绍
Thank you for purchasing the PreSonus® high-definition media reference monitors. These multi-pur-
pose speakers are Ideal for gaming, content creation, or just listening to your favorite album. Eris media
reference monitors deliver studio-quality sound, with a smooth and accurate frequency response.
PreSonus Audio Electronics is committed to constant product improvement, and we highly value your
suggestions. We believe the best way to achieve our goal of constant product improvement is by listen-
ing to the real experts: our valued customers. We appreciate the support you have shown us through the
purchase of this product and are confident that you will enjoy your Eris!
About this manual: We suggest that you use this manual to familiarize yourself with the features, applic-
ations, and correct connection procedures for your Eris media reference monitors before trying to con-
nect it to your other audio equipment. This will help you avoid problems during installation and setup.
Throughout this manual, you will find Power User Tips that can quickly make you an Eris expert and
help you get the most out of your investment
感谢你购买 PreSonus® 高分辨率监听音箱。这些丰富的扬声器是游戏、内容创作或听你最喜欢专辑的
理想选择。Eris 监听音箱提供演播室质量的平稳的声音,具有准确的频率响应。
PreSonus Audio Electronics 非常重视你的建议,我们致力于不断改进产品,并相信,实现目标的最佳
会喜欢 Eris 系列的!
1.2 Product Registration
PreSonus is committed to delivering the best experience for our customers. MyPreSonus is a one-stop
portal for all our registered customers’ needs. From your my PreSonus account, you can view all your
PreSonus hardware and software registrations; contact support; track orders and more.
PreSonus 致力于为我们的客户提供最佳体验。My PreSonus 是一个一站式门户,可以满足我们所有注册
客户的需求。通过 My PreSonus 帐户,可以查看你所有PreSonus硬件和软件的注册情况;联系技术支
Go to My.PreSonus.com and follow the onscreen instructions.
进入 My.PreSonus.com 并按照屏幕上的指示操作。