.# Create VLAN 100 and VLAN Interface,and confige IP Address for this
<AWA> system-view
[AWA] vlan 100
[AWA-vlan100] quit
[AWA] interface vlan-interface 100
[AWA-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24
[AWA-Vlan-interface100] quit
# Confige Vlan-interface 1 for dhcp-alloc。
[AWA] interface vlan-interface 1
[AWA-Vlan-interface1] undo ip address
[AWA-Vlan-interface1] ip address dhcp-alloc
[AWA-Vlan-interface1] quit
(2) Confige Wireless Service Temple。
# Create Service Tmemple, go to Wireless Service View.
[AWA] wlan service-template service
# Confige SSID service。
[AWA-wlan-st-service] ssid service
# Confige Wireless Service for VLAN 100.。
[AWA-wlan-st-service] vlan 100
# Confige key management mode.
[AWA-wlan-st-service] akm mode psk
[AWA-wlan-st-service] presharedkey pass-phrase simple 12345678
# Confige Cipher suite to CCMP.。
[AWA-wlan-st-service] cipher-suite ccmp
[AWA-wlan-st-service] security-ie rsn
# Enable WLAN Service Template.
[AWA-wlan-st-service] service-template enable
[AWA-wlan-st-service] quit
(3) Go to WLAN-Radio 1/0/1 Interface ,and bind service-template to wlan-radio 1/0/1.
[AWA] interface wlan-radio 1/0/1
[AWA-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] service-template service
[AWA-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] quit
(4)Confige DHCP Service。
# Enable DHCP。
[AWA] dhcp enable
# Create DHCP ip-pool named vlan100 for client.
[AWA] dhcp server ip-pool vlan100
[AWA-dhcp-pool-vlan100] network mask
[AWA-dhcp-pool-vlan100] gateway-list
[AWA-dhcp-pool-vlan100] quit