白噪机使用说明书 V0.1
第 4 页 共 7 页
Long press "music" and "Weather" "white noise" button, the device will be effected according to
the light music or natural music or white noise in the list of ALL tracks corresponding looping,
screen prompts "ALL" said the whole song cycle, short by a single loop current tracks again.
5.5 播放本地存储音乐,不开启音乐律动功能。
Play the local store music, will not open the music rhythm function.
5.6 在播放音乐时可通过短按时钟键作定时设定,在定时到后自动关闭音乐并记忆当前播放曲目和音量。
When playing music through short press clock timing set, in time to shut down automatically after
the current play songs and music and memory volume.
6. 灯光选择(Lighting options):
6.1 在机器处于开机状态时, 短按灯光键,点亮夜灯功能。
When the device is on, press the light button to turn on the night light function.
6.2 再短按时切换灯光,灯光顺序为,暖光、蓝光、红光、绿光、蓝+红、蓝+绿、红+绿、蓝+红+绿、
七彩呼吸、七彩跑马、关灯共 11 档。
Switch the light in a short time. The lighting sequence Is: warm light, blue light, red light, green
light, blue + red, blue + green, red + green, blue + red + green, colorful breathing, colorful horse
running, and lights off.
6.3 开灯状态长按灯光键,直接关灯,或短按开关键直到关灯档位关闭灯光。
Turn on the light condition long press lights, directly to turn off the lights, or short press the open
key until shut the lights turn off the lights and gear.
6.4 灯光亮度分为高中低三个档位,亮灯时默认为高档, 在亮灯状态通过“+”“-”来调整 LED 亮度。
Lighting brightness is divided into three gears: high, middle and low. When the light is on, it is high
by default. When the light is on, the LED brightness can be adjusted by “+”and “-“ button.
6.5 在亮灯时可通过短按时钟键作定时设定,在定时到后自动关闭灯光。
When the lights by short press clock timing set, in time to shut down automatically after the