Please check the Disclaimer and Safety Instructions for more details
at zerozero.tech/support/downloads.
Please read it carefully before flying.
Near strong magnetic fields
No-fly zones
Near crowds or dense buildings
In rain, fog, snow, lightning, hail,
storms, strong wind, or any other
extreme weather environments.
Improper Flying Environments:
Flight Safety
Replace aging, broken or deformed
propellers. We recommend installing the
landing gear and taking off on flat
Please make sure the bottom
infrared sensor is clean before
taking off.
Do not release or retrieve the
drone with your hands.
Wrap the landing gear over the both sides of the battery footpads
Remove the Landing Gear
( Attention: Remove the intelligent battery from the drone first. )
Hold one side of the landing gear and push in the direction shown
to remove it from the battery footpad
Remove the landing gear on the opposite side in the same way
Install the Landing Gear
( Attention: Remove the intelligent battery from the drone first. )