Vertiv Supplier Code of Conduct-CN-20180614 ユーザーマニュアル

  • こんにちは!Vertiv社のサプライヤー行動規範についてご質問にお答えします。この文書は、人権、労働条件、環境保護、倫理的なビジネス慣行に関するVertiv社の期待を詳細に説明しています。強制労働や児童労働の禁止、安全な職場環境の確保、環境への配慮など、幅広いトピックが網羅されています。どのようなご質問でもお気軽にお尋ねください。
  • この行動規範の目的は何ですか?
A. 人权和劳工
1. 自由选择就业 - 禁止强迫劳动 - 强迫劳动被理解为由国际劳工组织《强迫劳动公约》(第
29 号)和《废除强迫劳动公约》(第 105 号)所制定的一套定义所界定。所有供应商必须确保
2. 移民工 - 如果供应商使用移民工劳动力并将移民工带入国内为供应商工作,供应商应在这
3. 禁止使用童工 - 童工被理解为由国际劳工组织《最低年龄公约》所制定的一套定义所界定。
雇用任何 15 岁以下的人或适用的法定最低就业年龄(以最大者为准)。他们应遵守所有当地的
童工法律和适用的国际标准。供应商应实施适当的程序来验证工人的年龄。未满 18 岁的员工不
4. 工作时间 - 我们向供应商强调合理工作时间的重要性,以及保持积极和富有成效的工作环
作时间、休假时间、加班和假期的所有适用法律。员工应有权每周工作不超过 60 小时(48 个正
常工作小时和最多 12 小时的自愿加班),每 7天至少拥有 24 小时的休息时间,除非在紧急情
5. 工资和福利 - 我们希望我们的供应商在经营过程中完全遵守有关工资和福利的所有适用法
6. 人道待遇 - 维谛反对任何形式的苛刻或不人道的待遇,包括性骚扰、性虐待、体罚、精神
7. 非歧视 - 我们公司希望供应商禁止以年龄、种族、肤色、宗教、信仰(应向员工提供合理
8. 结社自由 - 供应商应尊重员工根据当地法律自由结社和寻求代表的权利,并尊重集体谈判
9. 正规雇佣 - 供应商应以确保正规雇佣(永久和直接)的方式运营,并承诺在业务性质允许
10. 雇佣招聘人员和上游供应商 - 如果供应商雇佣第三方招聘机构,他们应确保这些机构符合
B. 健康和安全
1. 职业安全 - 供应商应识别和评估员工潜在的健康和安全危害(化学、电力和其他能源、火
2. 应急准备 - 维谛希望其供应商能够识别和评估潜在的紧急情况和事件,并实施应急计划和
3. 职业伤害和疾病 - 维谛的供应商应维持预防、管理、追踪和报告职业伤害和疾病的程序和
4. 工业卫生 - 维谛希望供应商识别、评估和控制员工对化学、生物和物理制剂的潜在接触,
当的、保养良好的个人防护设备,并以适当的方式使用 个人防护设备。员工应有权获得持续的
5. 体力劳动 - 供应商应针对体力劳动的安全标准实施政策。供应商应识别、评估和控制员工
6. 机器保障 - 维谛希望其供应商能够确保其运营中所使用的机器的安全性。供应商应监测和
7. 环境卫生、食品和住房 - 为了确保员工享有可接受的工作和生活条件,供应商必须为其员
8. 健康和安全交流 - 供应商应针对员工可能接触到的所有已确定的工作场所危害,包括但不
C. 环境
1. 环境许可和报告 - 维谛供应商应获得、维护并保持所有必要的环境许可(如排放监测)、
2. 污染预防和资源减少 - 维谛希望其供应商严格控制其污染物的排放和排出,以及废物的产
3.关注物质 - 供应商应识别,标记和管理危害物质,如化学品和废物以及其他对人类和环境构
超过任何相关的注册、标签或通知要求。 供应商应根据适用法律,以最环保的方式处理和处置
4. 固体废物——维谛希望其供应商实施系统的方法和程序,以有效地识别、管理、减少和负责
5. 废气排放 - 供应商应尽可能地管理其废气排放,以利于环保。供应商应实施一套程序,对
6. 材料限制 - 维谛要求其供应商遵守所有有关禁止或限制在产品和生产中使用特定物质的相
分要求。这包括 REACHRoHSWEEETSCA、加州 65 号提案、持久性有机污染物(POPs) 和类
7. 水管理 - 供应商应制定水管理计划,记录和描述水的使用和排放情况;寻求节约用水的机
8. 能源消耗和温室气体排放 - 供应商应追踪并记录其温室气体排放水平,设定减排目标,并
D. 道德规范
1. 商业诚信和最高道德行为 - 我们的政策和实践指导维谛员工无论在任何地方开展业务,都
2. 反腐败 - 我们希望我们的供应商遵守所有的法律和法规,禁止向任何个人或实体直接或间
3. 利益冲突 - 维谛认为,供应商的员工不宜有任何与他或她对其雇主的责任相冲突的个人商
4. 信息披露 - 供应商开展活动应公开透明,并在官方记录中准确反映与业务相关的信息。在
5. 知识产权 知识产权应得到尊重。技术和知识的转让应以保护知识产权的方式进行,客户
6. 公平经营、广告和竞争 - 维谛供应商应遵守公平经营、广告和竞争的标准。这些标准禁止
7. 身份保护和反报复 除非法律禁止,否则应设置相关机制确保供应商和员工举报人的机密
8. 负责任的矿产采购 - 维谛供应商在提供含有金、钽、锡、钨(3TG)和钴等金属的产品时,
必须执行冲突矿产政策,并对提供给维谛的产品中使用的 3TG 金属和钴的来源进行尽职调查
架。供应商应仅从负责任的矿产联盟或类似的公认组织认可的非冲突冶炼厂或精炼厂采购 3TG
9. 隐私 - 供应商应保护与其有业务往来的每个人(包括供应商、客户、消费者和员工)的个
10. 道德热线 - 为了便于举报道德问题,我们在开展业务的 80 多个国家为维谛的员工和供应
E. 管理系统
1. 公司承诺 - 公司社会和环境政策,要由确认供应商对合规性和持续改进的承诺声明来支持,
2. 管理层的责任 - 供应商应确定负责管理系统及其实施的高级管理人员和公司代表。高级管
3. 法律和客户要求 - 供应商必须有一个程序来识别、监控和理解适用的法律、法规和客户要
4. 成分和原产地报告 - 供应商必须有一套程序来确保符合与产品相关的要求,例如冲突矿产、
REACHRoHSTSCACA Prop 65POPs、关键矿产,并应要求提供有关供应给维谛或其第三方
CMRT、扩展矿产报告模板 EMRT、全材料披露 FMD 以及其他适用的声明。
5. 风险评估和风险管理 - 供应商应维护一个程序,以识别与供应商运营相关的法律合规性、
6. 改进目标 - 供应商应制定改进目标、指标和实施计划,以改善其社会、环境、健康和安全
7. 培训 - 供应商应持续培训管理人员和员工,以执行政策、程序和改进目标,并满足适用的
8. 沟通 - 通过管理系统,供应商应通过管理系统维持一套流程,用以与其员工、供应商和客
9. 员工反馈、参与和申诉 - 供应商的管理系统应引入并保持持续的程序(包括有效的申诉机
10. 审核和评估 - 通过管理系统,供应商需要定期进行自我评估,以确保符合与社会和环境责
11. 纠正措施流程 - 供应商的管理系统应包括针对内部或外部识别的缺陷采取充分和及时的纠
12. 文件和记录 - 供应商应根据保护隐私的保密原则,创建和维护合法合规的且符合公司要求
13. 供应链管理 - 维谛希望其供应商尽最大努力将本《供应商行为准则》中体现的原则传达给
2022 10 月更新
Vertiv Supplier Code of Conduct
Vertiv expects our suppliers to project our values and principles, to stay current with technology, to act
with integrity, and to treat people and the environment with respect. These actions reflect Vertiv’s
priorities. In this way, we partner with only the highest caliber suppliers that demonstrate social
responsibility and a commitment to fairness and honesty.
Vertiv has modeled its Supplier Code of Conduct on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) code of
conduct. We encourage allour suppliers to familiarize themselveswith this Supplier Code ofConduct, aswe
expect each supplier, including supplier parties, to adhere to these principles not only within its own
operations but also throughout its entire supply chain.Vertiv may discontinue its relationship with
suppliers who fail to comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct. As used herein, “supplier parties” means
supplier and its employees, agents, consultants, subcontractors, and independent contractors.
A. Human Rights and Labor
Suppliers shall uphold the highest standards of human rights and treat employees with respect and dignity
as recognized by international standards. This applies to all types of employees including temporary,
migrant, contract, student, direct and indirect employees. Following sections describe further details of
principles related to Human Rights and Labor which suppliers shall uphold.
1. Freely chosen employment - Prohibition of Forced Labor Forced Labor is understood to be defined by the
set of definitions established by the ILO Forced Labor Convention (No. 29) and the Abolition of Forced
Labor Convention (No. 105). All suppliers must ensure that no forced labor, including bonded, indentured,
and involuntary or exploitative prison- or slave-labor is used, and suppliers shall not participate in human
trafficking. This includes transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving persons by means of
threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud for labor or services and commercial exploitation, including the
sexual exploitation of men, women, or children. Suppliers shall not impose any unreasonable restrictions on
a worker’s freedom of movement in company’s facilities including entering and exiting, and if applicable,
housing facilities, e.g., employees dormitories or living quarters. All employees must be provided with the
written employment agreement in the employees native language which includes a description of terms
and conditions of employment as a part of the hiring process. All work must be voluntary, and employees
shall be free to leave work at any time or terminate their employment without penalty, discipline, or
retaliation or threat thereof, if reasonable notice is given as per employees contract. Suppliers can only hold
employees documentation if such holdings are required by law. In this case, at no time should employees
be denied access to their documents. Supplier’s employees are not required to pay employers’ agents or
sub-agents’ recruitment fees or other related fees for the employment. If any such fees are found to have
been paid by employees all such fees shall be repaid to the employee.
2. Migrant Workers If supplier uses a migrant worker labor force and brings migrant workers into the country
for the purpose of working for supplier, supplier shall pay or provide for return transportation of these
workers at the end of their working period. Suppliers shall not charge migrant workers, directly or
indirectly, any recruitment or other fees and migrant workers’ identity documents or work permits should
not be destroyed, concealed, withheld or otherwise abducted from workers by the supplier. All migrant
workers shall be provided a written employment agreement in a language which is understood by the
workers prior to the departure from their country of origin. No substitutions or changes are allowed in this
employment agreement upon arrival in the country of work unless the changes are made to meet local
law or to provide equal or better terms for the worker.
3. Prohibition of Child Labor Child Labor is understood to be defined by the set of definitions established by
the ILO Minimum Age Convention. Vertiv’s policies oppose child labor, and we forbid our suppliers to use
child labor in any facility or business. Suppliers shall not employ any persons under the age of 15 or the
applicable minimum legal age for employment, whichever is greatest. They shall comply with all local child
labor laws and applicable international standards. Suppliers shall implement an appropriate process to
verify worker’s age. Employees under age 18 shall not conduct work which can possibly jeopardize their
health and safety and shall not work on night shifts and overtime. If suppliers employ student employees,
suppliers shall ensure proper support, training, and management of student employees to ensure
protection of students’ rights in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. If the local law does not
regulate wage rate for student employees, the wage rate for student employees, interns and apprentices
shall be based on the same wage rate as other entry-level employees performing equal tasks.
4. Working Time We stress to our suppliers the importance of operating with reasonable working hours and
maintaining a positive and productive work environment consistent with commonly accepted practices in
each locale. Vertiv expects its suppliers to operate in full compliance with all applicable laws regarding work
hours, vacation time, overtime, and holidays. Supplier employees should have the right to work no more
than a maximum of 60 hours per week (48 regular hours of work and maximum of 12 hours of voluntary
overtime) and be provided a rest period of at least 24 hours every 7 days, except in emergency situations or
unless otherwise stated and clearly defined and allowed by national laws and employees agreements.
5. Wages and Benefits We expect our suppliers to operate in full compliance with all applicable legal
requirements regarding wages and benefits. All supplier employees must be compensated with wages that
meet applicable legal requirements or, if there is no legal minimum wage, wages that align with the
prevailing sector wage in an amount sufficient to cover basic living requirements. Employees should not
face deductions from earned pay as a disciplinary measure and should be entitled for the payment of
overtime work at a higher/premium rate. Suppliers shall provide its employees written documentation for
each pay period covering all information related to the wage in the language which is understandable to
them. The use of temporary, dispatch and outsourced labor must be in accordance with the limits of the
local law.
6. Humane Treatment Vertiv objects to any form of harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual
harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse, violence,
gender-based violence, bullying, public shaming, and threat of any above-mentioned treatment.
Disciplinary policies and procedures about human treatment shall be clearly defined and communicated to
all employees.
7. Non-Discrimination Our company expects suppliers to prohibit discrimination against or harassment of any
employee or applicanton the basis of age, race, color, religion, creed (employees shall be provided with
reasonable accommodation for religious practices), sex, pregnancy status (including childbirth,
breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), marital status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity /
expression (including transgender status or sexual stereotypes), genetic information, citizenship status,
national origin, protected veteran status, political affiliation, union membership, disability, ethnic group, or
any other factor deemed unlawful. It is expected that the discrimination in terms of employment type,
promotion and remuneration, rewards and access to training is also prohibited. Suppliers should promote
equal opportunities and shall not discriminate against any worker. In addition, employees as well as
potential employees should not be subjected to medical tests or physical exams which could be used in a
discriminatory way.
8. Freedom to Associate Suppliers should respect the rights of employees to associate freely and seek
representation in accordance with local laws and respect the right for collective bargaining. Suppliers should
further respect employees’ right to engage in peaceful assembly and right to join, form, or not to join a labor
union without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or harassment. Employees shall be allowed to openly
communicate and share ideas and concerns regarding to working conditions and management practices
with management without fear of reprisal, intimidation, harassment, and discrimination in any form.
Supplier should allow employees to establish other means how to facilitate freedom of association and
collective bargaining when these are restricted under the law.
9. Regular Employment Suppliers shall operate in a way which ensures the regular employment (permanent
and direct) and commit to limit the non-regular employment (fixed-term contracts, contracted labor) if it is
allowed by the nature of their business.
10. Use of Recruiters and Upstream Suppliers If suppliers use third party recruitment agencies, they shall
ensure that these are compliant with Vertiv Supplier Code of Conduct and all applicable laws. All costs
related to the use of recruiters must be covered by suppliers. Suppliers shall ensure that their upstream
suppliers are compliant with all the above-described provisions of Vertiv Supplier Code of Conduct.
B. Health and Safety
We expect our suppliers to have a healthy and safe working environment in accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations and to protect employees from short, immediate, and long-term harm. Suppliers
should recognize the importance of ongoing worker education and inputs in proactively identifying and
solving health and safety related issues in the workplace.
1. Occupational Safety Suppliers shall identify and assess worker’s potential exposure to health and safety
hazards (chemical, electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, and fall hazards, etc.) and mitigate
risks using the Hierarchy of Controls which includes hazard elimination, materials or processes substitution,
controlling through proper design, administrative and engineering controls implementation, preventative
maintenance and safe work procedures (including lockout/tagout), and providing constant occupational
health and safety training. In cases when hazards cannot be eliminated or adequately controlled, supplier
shall provide employees with appropriate, well-maintained, personal protective equipment and educate
employees about risks associated to these hazards. Additionally, suppliers shall implement reasonable
actions to ensure that pregnant women and nursing mothers are removed from working conditions with
high hazards and remove or reduce possible workplace health and safety risks which pregnant women or
nursing mothers may be exposed in their workplace, including those associated with their regular work
tasks and provide safe reasonable accommodations.
2. Emergency Preparedness Vertiv expects its suppliers to identify and assess potential emergency situations
and events and implement emergency plans and response procedures which include emergency reporting,
employee notification and evacuation procedures, regular training and drills in order to minimize impact of
such situations and events. Emergency drills must be executed at least once a year or more often if required
by local law. Suppliers shall ensure that emergency plans include appropriate fire detection and suppression
equipment, clear and unobstructed egress, adequate exit facilities, contact information for emergency
responders, and recovery plans. All emergency plans and procedures shall aim to minimize harm to life, the
environment, and property.
3. Occupational Injury and Illness Vertiv’s suppliers shall maintain procedures and systems to prevent,
manage, track and report occupational injuries and illness. These should include provisions to encourage
worker reporting, classification and recording of injury and illness cases, providing information about
necessary medical treatment, investigation of the occupational injury and illness cases and implementation
of corrective actions to eliminate their cause and ensure their prevention, as well as facilitate worker’s
return to work.
4. Industrial Hygiene Vertiv expects suppliers to identify, assess and control worker’s potential exposure to
chemical, biological, and physical agents and mitigate potential risks through Hierarchy of Controls. If
supplier identifies any potential hazard, supplier should try to eliminate and/or reduce the potential hazard
to the lowest possible level. If it is not feasible to eliminate or reduce the potential hazard, the hazard needs
to be thoroughly controlled through proper design, engineering, and administrative controls. If such means
of control cannot be applied, employees must be provided with appropriate, well-maintained, personal
protective equipment free of charge and use the PPE in appropriate way. Employees shall be entitled to
ongoing protective programs which include educational materials about potential risks associated with
potential hazards.
5. Physically Demanding Work Suppliers shall implement policy towards safe standards for physically
demanding work. Worker exposure to hazards connected to physically demanding assignment such as
manual material handling, heavy or repetitive lifting, prolong standing, or highly repetitive or forceful
assembly task should be identified, evaluated, and controlled. Employee exposure to above mentioned
physically demanding tasks shall be in accordance with safe levels identifying employees maximum
exposure to physically demanding tasks set by local regulations and/ or international standards protecting
employees health and safety.
6. Machine Safeguarding Vertiv expects its suppliers to ensure the safety of machines used in their operations.
Production and other machinery shall be monitored and evaluated for any potential safety hazards. If
machinery presents potential injury hazard to employees, physical guards, interlocks, barriers,
and other necessary means must be provided and maintained properly to protect employees and all
people manipulating with the machinery.
7. Sanitation, Food, and Housing In order to ensure acceptable working and living conditions to employees,
supplier must provide its employees barrier-free access to clean toilet facilities, potable water and sanitary
food preparation, storage and eating facilities. If the supplier provides housing facilities to its employees
directly or through labor agent, these facilities must be maintained to be safe and clean, and equipped with
barrier-free emergency exits, hot water, adequate lightning, heat and ventilation, individually secured
accommodation for storing personal items and to provide reasonable personal space along with barrier free
entry and exit privileges.
8. Health and Safety Communication Supplier shall provide its employees with appropriate workplace health
and safety information and training in the language which is understood by the employees for all identified
workplace hazards that employees may be exposed to, including but not limited to mechanical, electrical,
chemical, fire, and physical hazards. All information and training shall be provided to employees prior to
the beginning of work and regularly thereafter. Supplier should ensure that health and safety information
are clearly posted in the operations facility or placed in location identifiable and accessible by all employees.
Employees should be encouraged to raise any health and safety concern without fear of retaliation.
C. Environment
Suppliers should operate their facilities in a manner that protects the environment and meets or exceeds
applicable laws and regulations. Suppliers shall be aware of their environmental impacts and minimize
negative effects on the environment, community and natural resources within their manufacturing
operations as well as safeguarding the health and safety of the public. We further stress the need to our
suppliers to foster programs that reduce energy consumption and waste in facilities, importance of creating
innovative products and services that improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.
Suppliers are expected to cooperate with upstream suppliers which have the proactive approach towards
environmentally friendly policies, and which are focusing on the reduction of the negative environmental
1. Environmental Permits and Reporting Vertiv suppliers shall obtain, maintain, and keep current all required
environmental permits (e.g., discharge monitoring), approvals and registrations, and their operational and
reporting requirements are to be followed.
2. Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction Vertiv expects its suppliers to tightly control their emissions
and discharge of pollutants as well as generation of waste. These should be minimized at the source or by
practices such as addition of pollution control equipment, production modification, good maintenance,
facility processes or by other adequate means. Suppliers shall ensure the responsible use of natural
resources, including protection of water, fossil fuels, minerals, and virgin forest by practices such as
materials reusing or substitution, conservation, recycling or other environmentally friendly means.
3. Substances of Concern Suppliers shall identify, label, and manage hazardous substances such as
chemicals and waste and other materials posing risks to humans and environment in order to ensure safe
Updated October 2022
handling, movement, storage, use, recycling, reuse and disposal of these materials. Importantly, suppliers
shall reduce the use of the substances of concern and persistent bio-accumulative toxins in their operations
as much as feasible and meet or exceed any relevant registration, labeling, or notification requirements.
Suppliers shall handle and dispose of any hazardous material in the most environmentally friendly way,
minimizing human exposure and pollution in accordance with applicable law.
4. Solid Waste Vertiv expects its suppliers to implement a systematic approach and procedures to effectively
identify, manage, reduce and responsibly dispose of or recycle solid non-hazardous waste.
5. Air Emissions Suppliers shall manage their air emissions in favor of environment as much as feasible.
Suppliers shall implement a process in which air emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols,
corrosives, particulates, ozone depleting substances, and combustion byproducts generated from
operations are characterized, monitored, controlled, and treated as required prior to discharge. Ozone
depleting substances shall be effectively managed in accordance with the Montreal Protocol and applicable
regulations. Suppliers shall conduct routine monitoring of the performance of their air emission control
6. Material Restrictions Vertiv requests its suppliers to adhere to all relevant applicable laws, regulations and
specific customer requirements regarding the prohibition or restriction of use of specific substances in
products and manufacturing, including labelling for recycling and disposal in all products concerning supply
to Vertiv. Suppliers must ensure that all products supplied to Vertiv meet all related material and chemical
content requirements in the markets into which they are sold and shipped. This includes REACH, RoHS,
WEEE, TSCA, California Proposition 65, POPs and similar regional or local regulations.
7. Water Management Suppliers shall have a water management program which documents and
characterizes the use and discharge of water; and seeks opportunities for water conservation; and controls
channels of contamination. All wastewaters must be monitored, controlled, and treated in accordance with
applicable regulations prior to its discharge or disposal. Suppliers shall conduct regular monitoring of the
performance of the wastewater treatment and containment system to ensure optimal performance and
regulatory compliance.
8. Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Suppliers shall track and document their levels of
greenhouse gas emissions, set reduction targets, and aim to minimize their greenhouse gas emissions with
the use of feasible technologies which are environmentally friendly, and which minimize harmful emissions.
Suppliers shall report on its greenhouse gas emissions, as needed, to show progress against greenhouse gas
emissions reduction goals. Suppliers shall seek methods how to improve energy efficiency and how to
minimize the energy consumption through the responsible use of energy with the use of renewable energy
sources and energy conservation.
D. Ethics
Vertiv seeks to do business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and expects the same
commitment from its suppliers, therefore suppliers are expected to uphold the following standards.
1. Business Integrity and Highest Ethical Behavior Our policies and practices direct Vertiv employees to
Updated October 2022
conduct business lawfully and ethically wherever we operate. We adhere to firm, uncompromising
standards for Vertiv’s leadership and employees with respect to interactions with customers; and we expect
that our suppliers comply with these same ethical standards as they work on Vertiv business.
2. Anti-corruption We expect our suppliers to comply with all laws and regulations forbidding payment of
money, giving, or accepting anything of value, promising, offering, authorizing, products, gifts or services,
directly or indirectly, to any individuals or entities as an attempt to improperly induce favorable business
treatment or to improperly affect governmental decisions. Extortion or embezzlement, bribes, kickbacks,
and similar payments are strictly prohibited. Vertiv suppliers are expected to have monitoring, record
keeping and enforcement procedures in place to ensure compliance with anti-corruption principles and
3. Conflict of Interest Vertiv considers it inappropriate for suppliers’ employees to have any personal business
orfinancial interestthat conflictswith his or herresponsibilities to their employer. Suppliers should inform
Vertiv of any actual and potential conflicts of interest that may arise from business or personal
relationships with our customers, suppliers, business associates, employees, or competitors.
4. Disclosure of Information Suppliers shall perform their activities transparently and shall accurately reflect
business related information in official records. In reports, suppliers should include information about
business activities, structures, financial situation, performance, labor, environmental practices and health
and safety all in accordance with applicable regulations. No falsification or misinterpretation is acceptable.
5. Intellectual Property Intellectual property rights are to be respected. Transfer of technology and know how
is to be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights and customer and supplier information
is to be appropriately safeguarded.
6. Fair Business, Advertising and Competition Vertiv suppliers are expected to abide by the standards of fair
business, advertising, and competition. These standards prohibit actions which may unreasonably restrain
trade, such as, but not limited to market allocation, price-fixing, bid rigging or predatory pricing and also
prohibit anticompetitive mergers and acquisitions as well as certain business practices by dominant
7. Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation Programs that ensure the confidentiality, anonymity, and
protection of supplier and employee whistleblowers are to be maintained, unless prohibited by law.
Suppliers should have a communicated process for their personnel to be able to raise any concerns without
fear of retaliation.
8. Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Vertiv suppliers which supply products containing metals such as gold,
tantalum, tin, tungsten (3TG) and cobalt must implement a conflict minerals policy and exercise due
diligence on the provenance of the 3TG metals and cobalt which are used with the products being supplied
to Vertiv. Suppliers shall further reasonably assure that above mentioned minerals included in supplier’s
products are sourced in a way consistent with the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and
Development (OECD) Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High-
Risk Areas or an equivalent, recognized due diligence framework. Suppliers should source 3TG material and
cobalt only from conflict-free smelters or refiners as recognized by Responsible Minerals Alliance or similar
recognized organization to ensure that products supplied to Vertiv do not support armed conflicts and
human rights violations.
9. Privacy Suppliers are to protect the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone
with whom they do business, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees. Suppliers are to
comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal
information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared.
10. Ethics Hotline To facilitate reporting of ethics concerns, we provide Vertiv employees and suppliersan
Ethics Hotline in the more than 80 countries where we operate. Reports to the hotline are anonymous if
requested. We tolerate no form of reprisal against anyone who report concerns. Employees and suppliers
may report a concern related to business conduct issues by contacting Vertiv’s Ethics and Compliance
reporting tool and hotline numbers at
E. Management Systems
Suppliers should maintain a management system that demonstrates adoption of the principles embodied
in this Supplier Code of Conduct and that tracks and documents compliance with all applicable laws,
government policies and regulations and customer requirements. Supply chain transparency is required to
confirm compliance with this Supplier Code of Conduct. Accordingly, suppliers shall cooperate with Vertiv
in any requests for documentation, onsite audits, and associated action plans. Management system shall
support continual improvement and include identification and mitigation of operation risks to this Code
and involve the following elements.
1. Company Commitment Corporate social and environmental policy supported by statements confirming
supplier’s commitment to compliance and continual improvement, endorsed by executive management,
and available in local language in all supplier’s facilities.
2. Management Accountability and Responsibility Supplier shall identify senior executives and company
representatives responsible for the management system and its implementation. The status of the
management systems shall be reviewed by senior executives on a regular basis.
3. Legal and Customer Requirements Suppliers must have a process to identify, monitor and understand
applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements, including the requirements of this Code.
4. Content and Origin Reporting Suppliers must have a process to ensure compliance with product-related
requirements, such as conflict minerals, REACH, RoHS, TSCA, CA Prop 65, POPs, Critical Minerals, and
upon request, suppliers shall provide declarations regarding the material content and origin of products
delivered to Vertiv or its third-party administrator. These disclosures may include Certificates of
Conformance or Compliance, Conflict Minerals CMRT, Extended Minerals Reporting Template EMRT, Full
Material Disclosures FMD, and other applicable declarations.
5. Risk Assessment and Risk Management Supplier shall maintain a process to identify legal compliance,
environmental health and safety and labor practice as well as ethics risks associated with supplier’s
operation. Identified risks shall be assessed and the appropriate procedural and physical controls to monitor
the identified risk shall be implemented to ensure regulatory compliance.
6. Improvement Objectives Supplier shall set improvement objectives, targets and implementation plan to
improve its social, environmental and health and safety performance. These should be available in clear
written form and supplier’s performance against them shall be periodically assessed.
7. Training Suppliers should maintain programs for training managers and employees to implement policies,
procedures, and improvement objectives and to meet applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
8. Communication Through the management system, suppliers are expected to maintain process through
which supplier clearly communicate accurate information about company policies, practices, expectations,
and performance with its employees, suppliers, and customers.
9. Worker Feedback, Participation and Grievance Supplier’s Management system should introduce and keep
ongoing process (which includes effective grievance mechanism) to assess employee’s understanding of
the principles covered by this Code, understanding of violations against this Code and creates space for
employee’s feedback in safe environment without fear of reprisal and retaliation.
10. Audits and Assessments Through the management system, suppliers need to maintain periodic self
evaluations to ensure conformity to customer contractual requirements related to social and
environmental responsibility, the content of this Code and all applicable legal and regulatory
11. Corrective Action Process Suppliers’ management systems shall include the process for adequate and
timely corrective actions for internally or externally identified deficiencies.
12. Documentation and Records Suppliers shall create and maintain records and documents related to the
regulatory compliance and conformity to company requirements in line with the confidentiality principles
protecting privacy.
13. Supply Chain Management Vertiv expects its suppliers to use their best efforts to communicate and extend
the principles embodied in this Supplier Code of Conduct to their suppliers and agents that are engaged in
the production, supply and support of products or services for Vertiv and monitor suppliers’ compliance to
this Code.
Updated October 2022