Lisser, pr Øserver la textur e et lØclat de la peau, aner son grain.
Ce soin relance le cycle cellulaire, amØliorant les propriØtØs
mØcaniques des tissus (ØlasticitØ, fermetØ, tonicitØ, etc.).
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Traiter les rides installØes, raermir la peau, restaurer lØclat et
luniformitØ du teint.
Ce soin exerce une rØnovation profonde des couches
supØrieures de lØpiderme pour un effet lissant immØdiat.
retrouve sa fermetØ.
%\%) &($7\Z
Proposer une rØponse anti-ge corps globale, alliant
performance et bien-Œtre.
A lefficacitØ des prØparations cosmØceutiques sassocie
lexcellence du geste. Ce protocole dexception intŁgre un soin
corps complet et un soin visage, pour vivre lexpØrience dune
prise en charge anti-ge globale.
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Gacch\YgUbXdfYgYfjYgh\Yg_]b•ghYlhifYUbXfUX]UbWY k\]‘Y
rening its texture.
Revives cellular cycles, improves the mechanical properties of
g_]bh]ggiYY‘Ugh]W]hm fabYgg hcbY YhW"
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HfYUhgYghUV‘]g\YXkf]b_‘Yg fagh\Yg_]b fYghcf]b[U[‘ck]b[
smooth complexion.
This tr eatment stimulat es a deep renovation of the upper layer s
of the epidermis for an immediate smoothing eect. Through
h\Y Vccgh]b[ cZ WY‘‘ fYWUd]hU‘]nUh]cb h\Y g_]b ]g hcbYX UbX
regains its rmness.
%\%) &($7\Z
combining performance and well-being.
Combining highly eective cosmeceutical formulations and
targeted movements, this exceptional treatment protocol
includes a complete body care treatment and a facial care
treatment, for a full anti-aging experience.
%\() ’($7\Z